


Professor Ping-ti Ho's Contribution to the Study of Civil Service Examination and Social Mobility in Ming Qing China




徐泓(Hong Hsu)


社會意識形態 ; 社會階層 ; 社會地位 ; 社會流動 ; 科舉 ; Social Ideology ; Social Stratification ; Social Status ; Social Mobility ; Chinese Civil Service Examination




21期(2009 / 06 / 30)


191 - 207




何炳棣教授所撰《明清社會史論》,乃根據近一萬五千名明清進士、兩萬多名晚清舉人和特種貢生的三代履歷,以及大量且多樣史料,討論明清「社會流動」(social mobility)現象,影響中國社會史、明清史及東亞史研究既深且鉅。本文旨在論述何炳棣教授在明清科舉與社會流動研究史上的貢獻及其始終不曾動搖的堅實地位。


In 1962, Professor Ping-ti Ho published his book on Chinese civil service examination and social mobility, The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911. This is a first-class contribution to the subject of social mobility in traditional China. It has almost exhausted the existing data which may be treated statistically and which bears on the subject through the family background of members of the elite class in that society. As his primary source, he uses lists of holders of economic degrees which, according to Chinese law, include each candidate's ancestry for three generations. He also makes use of other sources, such as government statutes, certain local history, biographies, genealogies, and some works of contemporary observers. This book is a classic for all of the students of Chinese Studies and social sciences in past 46 years. It has been translated into Italian and Japanese since its publication. Yet, the most wanted Chinese version of this book has not published. Therefore, with Professor Ho's blessing, I propose a project to translate The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911 into Chinese with annotated notes. This essay is a Preface to the Chinese translation of Professor Ho's great contribution concerning the study of civil service examination and social mobility.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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