In 1908, the event source that the Japanese merchant boat, Tatsu Maru, anchored southeast sea of China, then encountered detains. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs set requests to the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs for returning the boat, compensating the lose, and punishing the dereliction of duty personnel. The latter planned to solute the point of contention according to the place consultation and stops the even conflict. But the former rejected it. From now on, they start the negotiations.
In the end, the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave Tatsu Maru back to Japan, and expressed the apology for removing the flag of Japanese. Nevertheless, the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs made the grade. First, Qing Government and many Countries signed the treaty to prevent the munitions smuggling. Second, after Qing Government examining the border of Macao with the Portuguese official stationed in China, subsequently took back many loses, and dispatched troops to station. Third, Qing Government prevented ahead of time, and had not paid a large amount of compensations to Japan. In brief, we must face up the negotiations of the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs was a great achievement.