


The Founding of Authority during the Transitional Era from Sui to Tang: With an Emphasis on Li Yuan and Li Mi




伍伯常(Pak-Sheung Ng)


李淵 ; 李密 ; 關隴集團 ; 山東豪傑 ; 地緣戰略 ; Li Yuan ; Li Mi ; Guanlong clique ; Gallant men of Shandong ; Geo-strategy




25期(2011 / 06 / 30)


1 - 56






This paper, focusing on the sociopolitical framework and geo-strategic factor, aims to explain how Li Yuan and Li Mi who were members of the Guanlong clique had made use of the forces alienated by the Sui to strike a severe blow to the establishments. The ability to capitalize on the forces not affiliated to the establishments, namely local bandits and leaders, and overcome the geo-strategic restrictions was essential to the founding of a regime. Li Yuan, during his time in governing Taiyuan and later leading his army to march towards Changan, had managed to recruit local bandits and leaders, while Li Mi, who established his power in the region of Shandong, had also done the same thing. The way adopted by these two historical figures highlights the point that despite their deep connection with the Guanlong clique, the policy of drawing on local human resources rather than relying on the military strength of the Guanlong region was what they had adopted in the process of establishing their own authority. The medieval society of China was dominated by aristocratic elites emphasizing class differentiation, but Li Yuan and Li Mi did not show class prejudice when recruiting the locals from humble origin. No doubt this practice was instrumental in drawing local supports. Li Yuan was able to have the source of military strength well secured as the areas of Guanzhong and Taiyuan had been under his firm control. Contrarily Li Mi was subject to geo-strategic restrictions over time as the majority of his subordinates were from Shandong; this geographical background might explain why Li Mi was unable to make any significant progress in acquiring strategic strongholds located west of Luoyang as his subordinates had listed the capture of this city as a top priority in their military plan. The impact of geo-strategy manifested in the cases of Li Yuan and Li Mi is thus remarkable.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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