


Wuhan Regime-British Diplomatic Negotiations over Hankow Incident: An Interpretation in terms of the British Consular Archives




何萍(Ping Ho)


北伐 ; 漢口慘案 ; 漢案 ; 租界 ; 群眾運動 ; 陳友仁 ; 武漢國民政府 ; 藍普生Miles Lampson ; 歐馬利Owen O'Malley ; 台克滿Eric Teichman ; 鮑羅廷Mikhail Borodin ; 李立三 ; 廢除不平等條約 ; 修約 ; Nothern Expedition ; Hankow Incident ; British Concession ; legitimacy ; mass movement ; Wuhan Regime ; EugeneChen ; Wuhan Nationalist Government ; Yu-jen Chen ; Miles Lampson ; Owen O'Malley ; Eric Teichman ; Mikhail Borodin ; Li-shan Li ; treaty revision




25期(2011 / 06 / 30)


187 - 252




北伐期間(1926-27),南方國民政府轄區內,因激進的民族主義和群眾運動而發生數起慘案,1926年初的武漢慘案即爲一例。這些騷動迫使英國對華改採修和與妥協的態度。國內的經濟與社會騷動,以及殖民地要求自治的強大聲浪,亦迫使英國對外改採退縮政策(retrenchment)。在此背景下,英國重新修訂對華政策:不再獨尊北洋政府,並展開與南方政府的接觸和談判,以藉機試探、瞭解南方政府的內部狀況,並與之解決租界的問題。漢口慘案之協商即在此一目的下進行。另一方面,南方之武漢政府爲取得國際承認、達成修約問題以取得國內的正統與合法性,亦欲與英國展開協商。漢口慘案的善後談判適足以提供中英協商之管道。因此,在漢案談判中,雙方談漢案者少,互相試探與瞭解者多。其間,雖然武漢代表陳友仁一再希望將談判方向引至一般性之修約與承認問題,卻遭英方拒絕。此外,影響中英漢案談判之另一因素則來自蘇聯在國民黨之顧問鮑羅廷(Mikhail Borodin)。他服務於蘇聯利益,爲防止中英修好以及英國在華勢力的增加,遂一再破壞、阻撓談判,致使武漢政府態度反覆。終迫使英國決定放棄漢口租界與武漢政府。最後,武漢政府雖然收回租界,卻無法達到預期目標。


During the period of the Northern Expedition (1926-27), there emerged the Hankow Incident in the Yangtze Valley as results of Chinese nationalism and mass movements. Several Chinese were killed in the British Concession at Hankow. This incident pushed the British government to contact and negotiate with Wuhan Nationalist Government, the extreme faction of the Kuomintang and Nationalist Government.After the World War I, with so many economic, social and colonial troubles, the British government had to take a ”retrenchment” foreign policy. As a consequence, Britain changed former attitude to conciliation and compromised one. Britain also gave up the policy of ”one China one Government (Peiking Government).” She wanted to open door of contact with any strong as well as stable governments. The British Foreign Office decided to take the chance of negotiations over Hankow Incident to test and understand the Wuhan Nationalist Government, which she did not have diplomatic relations as well as sufficient knowledge.As to the side of Wuhan Government, it demanded to gain a diplomatic recognition from Britain, and to accomplish treaty revision with Britain, so as to enhance its legitimate position within the power struggle in China. As Britain did, Wuhan Government decided to take the chance of negotiations over Hankow Incident to attain its political aims. Nevertheless, it failed to win recognition from Britain.What caused the failure of the Wuhan Government is due to obstacles from Mikhail Borodin, an agent form Commitern. Serving for the Soveit interests, Borodin did not want to see the conciliation relationship between China and Britain. Borodin's obstruction caused Chinese attitude inconsistent. As a result, Britain decided to abandon Wuhan Government, even though she agreed to give up British Concession at Hankow.

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