


An Analysis of 'Sitting in Attendance' in the Analects


呂世浩(Shih-Hao Lu)


孔子 ; 論語 ; 曾點 ; 史記 ; 孔子世家 ; Confucius ; The Analects ; Zeng Dian ; Records of the Grand Historian ; biography of Confucius




33期(2015 / 06 / 30)


1 - 44






Throughout the ages, scholars have proposed many interpretations of Analects 11.26. Although each explanation has its supporting evidence, none of them are wholly convincing, which has left later generations unsure of which to accept. As Xu Fuguan once wrote, "for the last two thousand years it has been a case without an answer." However, very few previous explanations offer a detailed analysis of the passage based on its historical setting, and most overlook the illogicality of Zeng Dian's response to Confucius's question.Based on the simultaneous presence of Confucius's four disciples (Zilu, Zeng Dian, Ran Qiu, and Gongxi Hua) by his side, as well as the specific circumstances surrounding the phrase "nobody understands me," this study shows that the discussion recorded in 11.26 should have taken place around the sixth reign year of Duke Ai of Lu. Moreover, judging from the illogical aspects of Zeng Dian's response, his description of bathing and resting in the shade should be understood as a metaphor. Zeng Dian's true intention was to suggest that Confucius give up the pursuit of a career in government and instead devote himself to reforming later generations through education. and thus it was his response which was so highly praised by Confucius.The sixth year of Duke Ai of Lu's reign was the most tumultuous one in the life of Confucius, and it was also a key turning point in the latter part of his life. After traveling around the various states for many years, he was first trapped on the road between Chen and Cai, and then was later unable to obtain an audience with the ruler of Chu, thus coming to realize that finding a lord and practicing government was no longer a viable option. After hearing from the Madman of Chu and Zeng Dian's metaphorical suggestion (18.7, 11.26), Confucius decided to give up on the practice of government and turn to education instead, rejecting an invitation from Duke Chu of Wei and, after returning home to Lu, never seeking office again. Confucius thus came to spend his later years devoted to writing and compiling, the result being the Five Classics that would have such a great influence on later generations. Because of this, investigating the key points of Analects 11.26's questions and answers is of great significance.

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