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“International Cooperation to Suppress Pirates in China,” A Resume by Douglas Jenkins, Division of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, 21 November 1927, RIAC, 893.8007/28.
“Memorandum Respecting Piracy Suppression Received from Sir Miles Lampson,”dispatch No. 1030, 21 September 1927, CAB/24/202: 0024
“Piracy in South China Waters,” Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking & the secretary of State, Washington, 27 & 30 January 1928 , RIAC/893.8007/44.
"Piracy in South China Waters- Attitude of the Hong Kong Government," Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong to the Secretary of State, Washington, 25 October 1927, RIAC, 893.8007/30..
“Regulations Made by the Governor in Council under 7of the Suppression of Piracy Ordinance, 1868, Ordinance No.1 of 1868, as Amended by the Suppression of Piracy Amendment Ordinance, 1927, Ordinance No.15 of 1927, on the 15th Day of March 1928,” Enclosure to “New Piracy Prevention Ordinance,” Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking, 19 March 1928, Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of China, 1910-1929 (Washington: The National Archives, 1960)(Microfilm, hereafter referred to as RIAC), 893.8007/47..
黃月波等編,《中外條約彙編》(上海:商務印書館,1935 年),頁126-129。
Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking, 7 November 1927, cited from RIAC/893.8007/44..
"American Consul in Charge, Canton to the American Minister", Peking 21 October 1927, cited from "Piracy in South China Waters," Roger Culver Tredwell,American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister,Peking & the secretary of State, Washington, 27 & 30 January 1928,RIAC/893.8007/44..
"Piracy in Kwangtung Province," J.C. Houston American Consul in Charge, Canton to Ferdinand L. Mayer, Charg'e d'Affaires ad interim, American Legation, Peking, 21 October 1927, RIAC, 893.8009/40..
“M.O. Clark, Attorney, Canton, Standard Oil Company of New York to J.C. Huston, American Consul in Charge, Canton,” 11 August 1928, RIAC, 893.8009/40.
"Piracy of the SS Sunning," American Consul General, Hong Kong to the Secretary of State, Washington & J.V.A. MacMurray, American Minister, Peking, 23 November 1926, RIAC 893.8007/18..
"Piracy in Chinese Waters," Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking, 1 February 1927, RIAC,893.8007/22..
Robert Dollar, Memoirs of Robert Dollar (San Francisco: W. S. Van Cott & Co.,1921).
"Punitive Expedition to Bias Bay," American Consul General, Hong Kong to J.V.A. MacMurray, American Minister, Peking & the Secretary of State, Washington , 9 April 1926, RIAC 893.8007/23..
H. G. W. Woodhead, ed., The China Year Book, 1928 (Shanghai : The North-China Daily News & Herald,1912-1939).
“Piracy Prevention,”The Strait Times, 6 May 1927 & “Piracy in the China Sea,” Addison E. Southard, American Consul General, Singapore to the Department of State, 16 May 1927, RIAC, 893.8007/25.
“Piracy in the Waters of South China,” American Consul General, Hong Kong to J.V.A. MacMurray, American Minister, Peking, & the Secretary of State, Washington, 7 & 16 December 1926, RIAC 893.8007/19.
“Proposed Questionnaire,”November 1927, RIAC, 893.8007/44; “Piracy in South China Waters,” Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking & the secretary of State, Washington, 27 & 30 January 1928 , RIAC/893.8007/44.
“Brigandage and Piracy,” American Consul in Charge, Foochow to the Secretary of State, Washington, 4 December 1928, RIAC, 893.8007/55.
"Transition from Strong to Weak Diplomacy," The China Weekly Review, 12 September 1925.
“Piracy in South China Seas,” Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking, 29 April 1927, RIAC/893.8007/24.
“Bias Bay Affairs,” & “Other Piracies of Steamers,” Enclosure to the Despatch “Piracy in Chinese Waters,” Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking, 1 February 1927, RIAC/893.8007/22.
"T.H. King, Director of Criminal Intelligence to Captain Superintendent of Police," 30 April 1927, CO129/507/3
“Piracy in Kwangtung Province,” J.C. Houston American Consul in Charge, Canton to Ferdinand L. Mayer, Charg'e d'Affaires ad interim, American Legation, Peking, 21 October 1927, RIAC, 893.8009/40.
"The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (MacMurray)," 4 April 1927, FRUS, 1927, Vol. II, 331.
“At A Naval Court at Shanghai, on 29th December 1925, John Johnson Being Called Sworn and Examined, Deposed as Follows,” Annex No.4 of “Report of the Proceedings of A Naval Court Convened by Captain J. C. Hamilton, Commanding HMS Durban,” FO371/10670
"American Legation, Peking to American Consul General, Hong Kong," 3 September 1926, RIAC 893.8007/18 & 28..
“The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State,” 16 December 1927, FRUS, 1927, Vol. II, 339-341
"Recent Piracies and British Reprisals," Harold Shantz, American Consul in Charge, Hong Kong to Ferdinand Mayer, Charge d'Affaires ad interim, American Legation, Peking, 26 September 1927, RIAC, 893.8007/29..
“Prevention of Piracy,” Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking & the Secretary of State, Washington, 7 November 1927, RIAC/893.8007/39.
"Piracy in South China Waters," Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking & the secretaryof State, Washington, 27 & 30 January 1928 , RIAC/893.8007/44..
Jacob Gould Schurman, American Minister, Peking to the Secretary of State, Washington, D.C., 25 April 1924, RIAC 893.8007/12..
"Piracy in South China Waters," American Consul General, Hong Kong to J.V.A. MacMurray, American Minister, Peking & the Secretary of State, Washington , 21 & 24 December 1926, RIAC 893.8007/20..
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Fessenden Nott Otis, Isthmus of Panama (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1867), 149-167.
"Prevention of Piracy," Roger Culver Tredwell, American Consul General, Hong Kong & Macao to the American Minister, Peking & the Secretary of State, Washington, 7 November 1927, RIAC/893.8007/39..
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國民政府秘書處編,《國民政府公報》第17 期(南京,1927 年12 月),頁3
“Piracy and Burning of SS Hsinchi,” George Atcheson, jr., American Consul in Charge, Foochow to the Secretary of State, Washington, & “Wreck, Piracy and Burning of SS Hsinchi,” American Consul in Charge, Foochow to J.V.A. MacMurray, American Minister, Peking, 16 November 1928, RIAC 893.8007/54..
"The Charg'e in China (Mayer) to the Secretary of State," 19 January 1927, FRUS, 1927, Vol. II, 330-331.
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應俊豪(2012)。1920 年代列強對華砲艦外交的分析研究。多元視野下的中華民國外交,臺北: