The "period of victim protection" of the brawl law was well established in the Tang Dynasty and used by succeeding dynasties. Unlike former dynasties, the Ming Dynasty added the provision of "the convicted should be responsible for the medical treatment of the victim". In addition, the major change of the "period of victim protection" in Great Qing Legal Code lies in the emergence and amendment of the provision of "the minor wound in the original assault leading to death from tetanus." The provision diverted the practices of excluding "head injury complication" from "other causes" by former dynasties, making subsequent medical care sought by both parties to be supervised, judged, and sentenced by local and central juridical authorities. This article first collates the relevant provisions, the process of their establishment, and the content of their amendments during the period from Kangxi to Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty. Then it will analyze actual applications of the provision of "the minor wound in the original assault leading to death from tetanus" in local cases, so as to observe several phenomena. Firstly, local officials often argued with the Board of Punishment over the application of the provision, reflecting the fact that the local officials did not completely follow the instructions of the Board of Punishment in the trial of major criminal cases. Secondly, the local officials needed to understand the cause of death of the victim in order to assess the sentencing of the prisoner, so a medical doctor’s statement served as an important evidence to support them in reviewing the case based on the provision of "the minor wound in the original assault leading to death from tetanus."