


Sarajevo of the Far East? A Research on the American-Japan Confrontation over the Tientsin Fracas in 1919


應俊豪(Chun-Hao Ying)


一戰後美日對抗 ; 天津事件 ; 天津租界 ; 山東問題 ; American-Japanese confrontation after WWI ; Tientsin Fracas ; Tientsin Concession ; Shantung Problem




38期(2018 / 06 / 30)


175 - 226






American-Japanese conflict in the Tientsin Concession in March 1919 is an important event. Through deep investigation of this event, we can re-examine American-Japanese interaction in China after World War I, as well as the triple-complex relationship between the U.S., Japan and China in the contexts of Shantung Issue and the anti-Japanese movement in China. This paper utilizes the original archives of U.S. and Japan to trace historical implications behind the event. It shows that the event was very crucial as the controversy over the Shantung problem was initiated in the Paris Peace Conference. The dispute between the Chinese delegation and Japanese delegation drew the world's attention, and Woodrow Wilson, then the President of the U.S., showed his sympathy with the Chinese. American diplomats, military officers and civilians in China also expressed their doubt about Japan's ambition. On the other side, Japanese Government seemed to launch anti-American propaganda in China and Japan to counteract the U.S. and tried to direct public opinion as a method to express their support of the diplomatic negotiation. Meanwhile, despite that there was no large mass movement against Japan, the Chinese hatred of Japan gradually came into place as a result of the 21 Demands in 1915. To sum up, the Tientsin incident offered a good opportunity to analyze American officials' observations of Japan in China, and to evaluate how the US government weighed the American-Japan relationship in China after WWI.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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  16. “P. S. Heintzleman American Consul General, Tientsin to Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking,” March 17, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3064
  17. 〈日美衝突事七誌〉,《大公報》(天津),1919年3月19日第2張。
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  21. “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),” August 4, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
  22. “Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking to the Acting Secretary of State,”May 26, 1919, FRUS 1919, Vol.I, p.694.
  23. 〈字林報十四日北京電〉、〈路透社十三日北京電〉,均引自〈天津美日衝突之各消息〉,《申報》(上海),1919年3月16日第2張。
  24. 〈日警美兵大衝突〉,《大公報》(天津),1919年3月13日第1張。
  25. “Estimate of the Political Situation in the Far East and Consideration Affecting the China Expedition in Case of War: The Mission of American Troops in China,” February 17, 1921, MID, 2657-I-161.
  26. “Report of Committee of Inquiry, Tientsin,” March 28, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3057.
  27. “Certificate of Lieutenant Colonel Charles T. Smart, 15th Infantry Provost Marshal of the United States, China Expedition, Based on Testimony of Witnesses,” March 15, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3064.
  28. “Official Report on Occurrence: Fracas in the French Concession & Military Movement in the French Concession,” Enclosure 2 of “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),”August 4, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
  29. “Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking to the Acting Secretary of State,”May 22, 1919
  30. 「外交問題吃緊」,《晨報》,1919年2月7日,第3版
  31. “Tientsin Affair Settled: Apology Exchanged by American and Japanese Governments,” The New York Times, December 9, 1920
  32. 「日本對華最近之恫嚇」,《晨報》(北京),1919年2月8日,第6版
  33. “Official Report on Occurrence: Account Relating to Wounded American Private,” Enclosure 2 of “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),”August 4,1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
  34. “P.S. Heintzleman American Consul General, Tientsin to Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking,” March 19. 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3064
  35. “American Chamber of Commerce of China to the President and the Secretary of State,”
  36. “K. Shidehara, Japanese Ambassador, Washington to Norman H. Davis, Acting Secretary of State,”December 7, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
  37. 〈中日融合之機〉,日本《報知新聞》
  38. “Herbert Goffe, British Consul General, Tientsin to Sir J. H. Jordan, British Minister, Peking,”March 18, & June 6,1919, FO371/3698.
  39. “Foreigner in China,” June 8, 1921, Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China, 1918-1941 (RG165, hererafter referred to as MID), 2657-I-176.
  40. 〈各国ニ於ケル外交文書公表関係雑件〉,《(日本)外務省記錄》,米国ノ部第二巻,N-1-7-1,日本外務省外交史料館藏
  41. 〈東報論門羅主義〉,《大公報》(天津),1919年3月14日,第2張。
  42. 〈日美衝突事五誌〉,《大公報》(天津),1919年3月17日第2張。
  43. “Japan Should Make Public Apology,” The North China Star, March 19, 1919.
  44. 〈日美衝突之餘波〉,《大公報》(天津),1919年3月14日,第2張。
  45. “American Official Report on Japanese American Affair,” by Charles T Smart, 15th Infantry, Provost Marshal, March 14, 1919, The North China Star, March 21, 1919.
  46. “Herbert Goffe, British Consul General , Tientsin to Sir J. H. Jordan, British Minister, Peking,” March 14, 1919, FO371/3698.
  47. “P.S. Heintzleman American Consul General, Tientsin to Paul S.Reinsch, American Minister, Peking,” March 28, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3057.
  48. 〈津埠美日衝突之別報〉,《申報》(上海),1919年3月18日,第2張。
  49. (1958).Foreign Relations of the United States: Paris Peace Conference, 1919 (FRUS:PPC).Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office.
  50. “American Report on Japanese American Affair,” The North China Star, March 21, 1919.
  51. 《益世報》,1919年3月
  52. “No Further Disturbances Between Japanese and Japanese Soldiers,” The North China Star, March 15, 1919.
  53. 〈日美衝突之餘波〉,《大公報》(天津),1919年3月14日第2張。
  54. “American Officers Make Report on Recent Japanese American Report: Lieut.-Col. Smart, Provost Marshal, and Capt. Landreth Make Reports Which Are Approved by Col. Wilder and Forwarded to American Legation,” The North China Star, March 21, 1919
  55. “Minutes of Committee on Limitation of Armament,” Fourth Meeting, December 22, 1921, 11 A.M. & “Report of the American Delegation Submitted to the President,” February 9, 1922, U. S. Naval War College, International Law Documents: Conference on the Limitation of Armament with Notes and Index, 1921 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923), pp. 32-33, 265
  56. “Japanese Armed Troops Enter French Concession Led by Mounted Officers and Acting Consul General,” The North China Star, March 14, 1919; See also The Peking Daily News,March 15, 1919.
  57. “Memorandum from Assistant Chinese Secretary,”March 17, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3064.
  58. “P.S. Heintzleman American Consul General, Tientsin to Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking,”March 28, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3057.
  59. “Paul S.Reinsch, American Minister, Peking to the Secretary of State, Washington,” March 22, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3063.
  60. “Sir J. N. Jordan, British Minister, Peking to Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Foreign Office,“March 25, 1919, FO371/3698.
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