“Official Report on Occurrence: The Movement of the Japanese Crowd in the French Concession,” Enclosure 2 of “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),”August 4, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
“Report of the Inspector of Police of French,”July 22, 1919, Enclosure 3 of “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),”August 4, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
“Compilation of Statements,” Enclosure 1 of “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),”August 4, 1919, 日本外務省外交史料館藏,《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002;日本國立公文書館アジア歴史資料センター,レファレンスコード: B1208093100 。( 以下簡稱日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002)
“Official Report on Occurrence: Account Regarding the Meeting between Capt. Landreth and Mr Kamei,” Enclosure 2 of “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),”August 4, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
“Official Report on Occurrence: Account Relating to Woulded American Private,” Enclosure 2 of “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),”August 4, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
“Official Japanese Statement on the Recent Disturbances,” The North China Star, March 18, 1919.
“Official Report Made to Colonel of the 15th Infantry by Two of His Officers, Published in The North China Sar, March 21st,” Enclosure of “Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking to the Secretary of State,” March 22, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3064.
“P. S. Heintzleman American Consul General, Tientsin to Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking,” March 17, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3064
“C. Kaneko, Police Inspector to T. Funatsu, Consul-General, Tientisn,” July 21, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
“The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),” August 4, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
“Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking to the Acting Secretary of State,”May 26, 1919, FRUS 1919, Vol.I, p.694.
“Estimate of the Political Situation in the Far East and Consideration Affecting the China Expedition in Case of War: The Mission of American Troops in China,” February 17, 1921, MID, 2657-I-161.
“Report of Committee of Inquiry, Tientsin,” March 28, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3057.
“Certificate of Lieutenant Colonel Charles T. Smart, 15th Infantry Provost Marshal of the United States, China Expedition, Based on Testimony of Witnesses,” March 15, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3064.
“Official Report on Occurrence: Fracas in the French Concession & Military Movement in the French Concession,” Enclosure 2 of “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),”August 4, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
“Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking to the Acting Secretary of State,”May 22, 1919
“Tientsin Affair Settled: Apology Exchanged by American and Japanese Governments,” The New York Times, December 9, 1920
“Official Report on Occurrence: Account Relating to Wounded American Private,” Enclosure 2 of “The Japanese Consul General (Funatsu) at Tientsin to the American Consul General at Tientsin (Heinzleman),”August 4,1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
“P.S. Heintzleman American Consul General, Tientsin to Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking,” March 19. 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3064
“American Chamber of Commerce of China to the President and the Secretary of State,”
“K. Shidehara, Japanese Ambassador, Washington to Norman H. Davis, Acting Secretary of State,”December 7, 1919, 日本《外務省紀錄》,N-1-7-1-1_2_002。
“Herbert Goffe, British Consul General, Tientsin to Sir J. H. Jordan, British Minister, Peking,”March 18, & June 6,1919, FO371/3698.
“Foreigner in China,” June 8, 1921, Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China, 1918-1941 (RG165, hererafter referred to as MID), 2657-I-176.
“Japan Should Make Public Apology,” The North China Star, March 19, 1919.
“American Official Report on Japanese American Affair,” by Charles T Smart, 15th Infantry, Provost Marshal, March 14, 1919, The North China Star, March 21, 1919.
“Herbert Goffe, British Consul General , Tientsin to Sir J. H. Jordan, British Minister, Peking,” March 14, 1919, FO371/3698.
“P.S. Heintzleman American Consul General, Tientsin to Paul S.Reinsch, American Minister, Peking,” March 28, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3057.
(1958).Foreign Relations of the United States: Paris Peace Conference, 1919 (FRUS:PPC).Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office.
“American Report on Japanese American Affair,” The North China Star, March 21, 1919.
“No Further Disturbances Between Japanese and Japanese Soldiers,” The North China Star, March 15, 1919.
“American Officers Make Report on Recent Japanese American Report: Lieut.-Col. Smart, Provost Marshal, and Capt. Landreth Make Reports Which Are Approved by Col. Wilder and Forwarded to American Legation,” The North China Star, March 21, 1919
“Minutes of Committee on Limitation of Armament,” Fourth Meeting, December 22, 1921, 11 A.M. & “Report of the American Delegation Submitted to the President,” February 9, 1922, U. S. Naval War College, International Law Documents: Conference on the Limitation of Armament with Notes and Index, 1921 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923), pp. 32-33, 265
“Japanese Armed Troops Enter French Concession Led by Mounted Officers and Acting Consul General,” The North China Star, March 14, 1919; See also The Peking Daily News,March 15, 1919.
“Memorandum from Assistant Chinese Secretary,”March 17, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3064.
“P.S. Heintzleman American Consul General, Tientsin to Paul S. Reinsch, American Minister, Peking,”March 28, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3057.
“Paul S.Reinsch, American Minister, Peking to the Secretary of State, Washington,” March 22, 1919, RIAC, 893.00/3063.
“Sir J. N. Jordan, British Minister, Peking to Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Foreign Office,“March 25, 1919, FO371/3698.
(United States) Department of State(1960).(United States) Department of State, Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of China, 1910-1929 (RIAC) (Washington: The National Archives, 1960),中央研究院近代史研究所圖書館藏,微捲檔案(Microfilm).
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