


Interactions between the Central Plains Dynasty and the Major Ethnic Groups of Inner Asia during the Tang-Song Transformation


張廣達(Guang-Da Zhang);蔡長廷(Chang-Ting Tsai);許正弘(Cheng-hung Hsu)


唐宋變革 ; 隋唐五代 ; 安史之亂 ; 多元族群互動 ; Tang-Song transformation ; Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties ; An-Shih Rebellion ; interaction of multiple ethnic groups




42期(2022 / 12 / 31)


1 - 21






This article is a revised and expanded paper on the basis of an inaugural academic speech for the "First Forum of the Historical Lectures, dedicated to Academician Tao Jin-sheng" at Soochow University. The history of the Sui (518-619) and Tang (618-907) dynasties from the end of the sixth century to the beginning of the tenth century is usually emphasized as a powerful and unified era with vast territory in contemporary records and later works. The Tang Dynasty before the An-Shih Rebellion (755-763) was indeed prosperous. The ruler of China at that time was an emperor of farming areas and was revered by nomadic people as the Tengri Qaghan. Later, from the middle of the eighth century to the late Tang and Five Dynasties, the political turmoil and the divisions arising within multi-ethnic societies, especially in the "fanzhen" (藩鎮; regional military governors), were influenced by non-Han peoples, resulting in multiple overlaps in politics, military affairs, and culture. In particular, it is worthy to note that cross-cultural conflicts and interactions not only promote mutual assimilation and integration of each other, but also constitute an incentive or opportunity for dynastic change and for tribes to establish new states. Therefore, it is the purpose of this paper to explore the evolution and inheritance of the Central Plains dynasties and nomadic ethnic groups during the Tang-Song transformation.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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