


On the Copperplate "Illustrations of the Pacification of Annam" during the Ch'ien-lung Reign


李泰翰(Tai-Han Lee)


銅版畫戰圖 ; 安南 ; 乾隆 ; 十全武功 ; 阮惠 ; 孫士毅 ; 福康安 ; Copperplate battle illustrations ; Annam ; Qianlong ; Ten Great Military Campaigns ; Nguyễn Huệ ; Sun Shiyi ; Fuk'anggan




42期(2022 / 12 / 31)


73 - 102






This study investigates the order, production, and composition of the copperplate Illustrations of the Pacification of Annam and seeks to supplement the inadequacies of past research largely by referencing documents and records. This study shows that the order of illustrations, whether based on historical facts or the palace documents such as Sequel to the Reigning Dynasty Palace History (Guochao gongshi xubian) and A Collection of the Qianlong Emperor's Poems on the Ten Great Military Campaigns (Yuzhi shiwen shiquan ji), is the same. The investigation reveals that the copperplates were commissioned on the sixth day of the fifth month of the 55th year of the Qianlong reign (1790) and produced over approximately three and a half years, reaching completion on the eleventh day of the twelfth month of the 58th year of the emperor's reign (1793). The production of the copperplates was modeled on previous productions in France, and the back of each plate was etched with the name of the manufacturer (the Imperial Workshop) and the plate's order. At least 239 prints were made from the copperplates. The imperial poems on the battle illustrations have a uniform format. The composition of the illustrations combines Chinese and Western techniques and accentuates the chiaroscuro effect. However, this series consists of only six copperplates, fewer than most other court copperplate battle illustrations. Five of the illustrations in this series depict battles, while the last portrays the emissary of Annam paying a formal visit to the emperor. The composition of the latter evidently follows A Victory Banquet Given by the Emperor for the Distinguished Officers and Soldiers in the Illustrations of the Pacification of Taiwan series. This study concludes that the series does not, in fact, cover the entirety of the war, and that the term "pacification" must be reconsidered. In "On the Expedition to Annam" (Shu an'nan shimo jishi) and "More on the Expedition to Annam" (Zaishu a'nan shimo jishi), the Qianlong Emperor shifted from "using writing to note down mistakes" to the Qing Empire being "favored by Heaven". Later, he even listed the pacification of Annam as one of his Ten Great Military Campaigns, indicating that the main purpose of this series of copperplate illustrations remained self-glorification.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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