


The Development of Modern Taiwanese Theatre from 1945 to 1949




莊曙綺(Shu-Chi Chuang)


現代戲劇 ; 臺灣戲劇 ; 新劇 ; 戲院廣告 ; modern theatre ; Taiwanese theatre ; new drama ; cinema advertisements




151期(2006 / 03 / 01)


185 - 252




從1945年8月日本戰敗投降,到1949年國民政府遷都臺灣的戰後四年,不管在政治、經濟、社會或文化層面,臺灣都面臨了劇烈的轉型與變革,戲劇屬於文化的一環,自然反映了當時社會變遷的複雜性。尚未被遣返的日人,以及日人所組的劇團、臺灣本地人所組的劇團,加上大陸來臺的劇人和劇團,使戰後四年的戲劇活動顯得蓬勃而多元。 兩岸現代戲劇的發展,都受到日本的啟蒙,在日治時期也都有持續的交流和接觸。然而,1937年太平洋戰爭爆發,促使兩岸隔絕,也使兩岸現代戲劇的發展呈現完全不同的樣貌。戰後,大陸劇人和劇團的來臺演出,勢必為臺灣劇壇帶來一番新的局面。但是關於戰後四年現代戲劇所面臨的衝擊與變革,往往因為年代久遠,或政治因素所導致的資料不完整,而無法有較完整的重建。本文則試圖從當時報紙的戲院廣告和評論,建構出戰後四年現代戲劇演出的概貌,並希望藉由對戰後四年的研究,能對日治時期和戰後現代戲劇的發展,有更清楚的連結。


From August 1945 when Japan surrendered to 1949, Taiwan experienced a drastic change and transformation in politics, economy, society, and culture. As an element of culture, theatre reflected the complexity of this change. During these four years, the Chinese nationalist government took over the island from Japan. However, some Japanes people and their opera troupes still stayed in Taiwan. Meanwhile, actors, actresses and opera troupes from Mainland China came to Taiwan. Taiwanese people also formed their opera troupes. The diversified stage activities in Taiwan flourished. Modern theatre in both Taiwan and Mainland China were enlightened by Japanese theatre. Even during the period of Japanese occupation, Taiwan kept communicating and exchanging with Mainland China. However, the Pacific War in 1937 blocked the traffic between Taiwan and Mainland China, and their developments of theatre went separate ways henceforth. After World War Ⅱ ended in 1945, Taiwanese theatre began a new phase in its history. Unfortunately, due to political reasons and long lapse of time, we are unable to gather complete information about the impact Taiwanese theater received and the changes it underwent during those four years. This article tries to reconstruct the situation of Taiwanese theatre during that time, on the basis of the information from the cinema advertisements, reviews and reports in contemporary newspapers. It is hoped that the study of those four years after World War Ⅱ will illustrate its connection to the period of the Japanese Occupation in regard to the development of Taiwanese theatre.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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