


The Interweaving of Sacredness and Profanity: A Case Study of the Earth God Temples in the East and West Districts of Taichung




舒奎翰(Kuei-Han Su)


庄頭廟 ; 祭祀圈 ; 臺中市 ; 社會變遷 ; 人口流動 ; chuang-tou miao neighborhood temple ; worship zone ; Taichung ; social transition ; population movement




152期(2006 / 06 / 01)


85 - 137






This paper proposes to investigate the conditions of the Earth God Temples that serve as neighborhood temples in the urban area today. It also looks into the social factors that affect the relationship between temples and inhabitants in a neighborhood. In order to address these issues, I have chosen two districts to make a comparative analysis. The two districts are east (old urban area) and west (new center of finance, consumption and culture) which differ distinctly in landscapes, features of area and structures of population. By field research and interviewing with sixty heads of sub-districts and thirty-two managers of Earth God Temples as well as comparing practices of city planning (都市計畫) and population structure in these two districts, we find there are still many Temples and worship zones in operation in the urban area, but the model of operation is actually different from that in tradition society. This is caused by two factors: the policy of government and the change of population. The former changes not only the inhabitants' local identity but also the distribution of the temples in the urban area. The latter changes the social mobility of the inhabitants, and hence the interaction between temples and inhabitants.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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