
產業遺址製造與城市形象工程:以魯爾區(Ruhr Area)區域轉型為例


Manufacturing Industrial Heritage and Engineering City Image: A Case Study of the Ruhr Area in Germany




楊凱成(Kai-Cheng Yang)


產業遺址 ; 文化觀光 ; 形象塑造 ; 魯爾區 ; 生活空間 ; industrial heritage ; heritage tourism ; Imagineering ; Ruhr Area ; life space




157期(2007 / 09 / 01)


145 - 183




閒置的廠房、機器設備、鐵道運輸、供電設施等,一旦不再具有生產的功能,往往被視爲「無用」棄之而後快。從1980年代以來,產業文化資產(industrial heritage)的保存與再利用逐步受到重視。本文研究主旨在於,以德國魯爾區的經驗來觀察,魯爾區如何將原本計畫的、封閉的廠房空間,改建爲開放的、市民的日常生活空間,將過去工業地景的負擔,轉變爲魯爾區可以跟其他全球文化城市區隔的文化獨特性。魯爾區的城市形象工程與文化行銷策略,首先是回溯魯爾區文化自主創造的根源,其次將閒置工業廠房,變成是世界獨一無二的文化展演空間,最後藉由具世界水準的魯爾鋼琴季與魯爾藝術節,銜接上全球的文化市場,同時藉由表演空間的獨特性與表演內容的創新,將魯爾區型塑成文化產業的新典範。


It is often seen that once buildings, machines, railroads and power stations, etc. have lost their useful function, they would be considered ”useless” and be disposed of. However, since the 1980s the conservation and reuse of the industrial heritage has gradually been promoted. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the formerly closed industrial spaces in the Ruhr Area, Germany have been reopened and transformed into public spaces of everyday life. The old burden of industrial landscapes is creatively changed to achieve cultural uniqueness of the Ruhr Area. The strategies of image making and marketing in the Ruhr are first to look back upon the grass roots of cultural creativity. Secondly, the disused industrial buildings are adapted into unique architectural spaces for cultural exhibition. Finally, through the Piano Festival and Ruhr Triennale Festival, Ruhr is connected with global cultural market. Simultaneously, these unique architectural spaces are combined with the creative contents of the exhibitions. Through these activities Ruhr is transformed into a new paradigm of cultural industry.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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