


Shaping the Tea Art: The Exhibition Construction and Imagination of Taiwanese Tea Exposition




駱鴻捷(Hung-Chieh Luo)


展示 ; 茶文化 ; 再現 ; exhibition ; tea culture ; representation




157期(2007 / 09 / 01)


65 - 100




自七○年代末期以來,「茶」逐漸發展成為臺灣人與民族情意結合的媒介物,並在民間茶藝業者的努力下,使飲茶行爲發展成爲一套精緻文化;近年在全球化的氛圍下,茶文化更有機會成爲本土與外來文化競爭的文化資本,一種在全球化下的識別符碼。在這一個背景下,展示如何呈現臺茶文化的主體?當茶文化進入展示中,臺茶文化會被如何建構與想像,則是本文關注的重點。 論文首先介紹當代臺灣茶館與茶(藝)文化的發展;其次,從臺茶文化現象的解析以及臺茶文化所面臨的經濟、社會、文化背景,探討臺灣茶文化建構的途徑「展示」所扮演的角色;之後,則以個案研究的方式,以「20師臺北茶文化博覽會」爲例說明當茶文化進入展示中,茶文化會如何被建構與想像,展示所呈現的茶文化究竟是一個什麼樣的茶文化,它與實體茶文化的關係以及角色爲何等課題;我們可以看到展示中的茶在被選擇、組織並重新呈現後,僅能呈現茶文化的某一部分,甚至創造了新的部分。 本論文之研究目的在於嘗試藉由「茶文化展示」與「茶文化本身」的關係,尋找傳統文化展示的可能與想像,並思考傳統文化如何在當代再現等課題。


Since the late 1970s, tea has become a medium that integrates the Taiwanese and their ethnicity. Through the effort of the grassroots teahouses, tea drinking has developed into a sophisticated culture. In recent years, tea culture has poised to become an identity symbol within globalization trend, with the native cultural capital vying against foreign culture. How does tea exhibition present the subject of Taiwanese tea culture? In a tea exhibition, how will Taiwanese tea culture be constructed and imagined? These are the points to be considered in this article. The first part of the paper introduces the development of contemporary teahouses and tea arts. Secondly, by analyzing the Taiwanese tea culture phenomenon and its economic, social and cultural background, this article explores the role of the ”tea exhibition” that has constructed the Taiwanese tea culture. Finally, with a case study of the ”Taipei Tea Culture Exposition, 2006,” it elaborates on how tea culture is constructed and imagined, the ways tea culture is represented once it entered the exhibition channel, and its relation with virtual tea culture. We will be able to see that after much culling, re-arranging, and re-presentation; only a part of tea culture is displayed. There is even a newly-created element. Based on the relation between ”tea culture exhibition” and ”tea culture,” this article aims to discover the possibilities of traditional cultural exhibition and to explore how traditional culture can be presented in modern times.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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