


Festivity, Mimesis, and Aesthetics of Inversion: An Analysis of the Operetta Chen San and Wuniang




卓玫君(Mei-Chun Tsuo)


小戲 ; 陳三五娘 ; Victor Turner ; Mikhail Bakhtin ; 儀式 ; operetta ; Chen San and Wuniang ; Victor Turner ; Mikhail Bakhtin ; ritual




160期(2008 / 06 / 01)


5 - 74




臺灣廟會遶境儀式中的民間小戲如車鼓戲、七響陣劇目《陳三五娘》,在理應神聖莊嚴的宗教慶典場合中演出情色、猥褻的劇情,表面上看來俚俗淫穢,不值一顧,但若將劇情置放於演出情境-儀式中,從整體的表演文本(performance context)進行脈絡分析,其所隱含的象徵意義,豐富且深具研究價值。 本文所指的「文本」,屬於當代文化研究(cultural studies)範疇,以霍爾(Stuart Hall)及英國伯明罕當代文化研究中心爲核心,發展出一套有別於傳統經典及純文學角度研究的跨領域研究,從過去僅專注於文字內容(text)的研究方向轉向「文化脈絡」或「文化語境」(cultural context)之情境式、脈絡式研究,引進符號學、社會學、政治學、女性主義、文化人類學等理論來探討文本在不同文化或社會情境中的文化、政治及社會意義,並主張任何文本意義的建構,都必須思考文本之外素材的重要性(透納1998:120)以小戲文本分析爲例,不僅要探究其演出情節、對白等內容本身的庶民美學,更將小戲置放在廟會節慶的演出情境中(小戲作爲儀式的一部分)做整體研究,探討小戲的意義象徵系統,試圖完整呈現其於所處文化情境中的意義。 意義存在於文本與社會間無盡的對話中,過去傳統戲曲研究主要從純文學的角度去分析劇本,固然能深入探究其文學性,但僅從文學的角度切入研究,容易忽略戲曲演出的身體性、儀式性、政治性與社會性,因此,本文嘗試從「儀式-表演」的脈絡進行整體的詮釋與分析,探究臺灣民間小戲《陳三五娘》的文本內涵。


The festival troupes in the temple fair parade, such as the chegu and the qixiang, stage amorous operettas such as Chen San and Wuniang in the sacred circumstances of temple fair. On the surface, the plot borders on lasciviousness that merits no further attention. However, when situated in the ritual context, analysis of the performance will unearth rich and valuable symbolic meanings. The concept of ”texts” referred to in this article pertains to the field of contemporary cultural studies. Stuart Hall and his colleagues at the Contemporary Cultural Research Center have developed a cross-disciplinary research that is different from the traditional textual and literary studies. It distances itself from the text-oriented aspect and turns into a cultural contextual, circumstantial research, bringing in theories of semiology, sociology, political science, feminism, and cultural anthropology to explore the respective meanings the text manifests in different cultural, political, or social situations. It also argues that any construction of textual meanings has to take into consideration the importance of non-textual materials. For example, when undertaking textual analysis of an operetta, one source not only has to investigate the folk aesthetics of the content, such as plot and dialogue, but has also to situate the operetta in the context of the temple fair performances, exploring its system of symbolic meanings to demonstrate its comprehensive significant in the cultural circumstances. Meanings exist in the never-ending cycles between texts and society. The traditional opera studies analyze a play from the angle of literature. While this approach is capable of exploring deep into the literary characteristics, this literature-only perspective is prone to overlook the bodily feeling, rituals, politics, and community. Therefore, I will analyze the operetta Chen San and Wuniang with a perspective of ritual vs. performance, and give a comprehensive interpretations of its inherent meanings.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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