


Form and Image of Human in Paiwan Art Patterns: From Myths and Carvings




萬煜瑤(Yuh-Yao Wan)


排灣族 ; 原住民藝術 ; 創生神話 ; 雕刻圖像 ; 文本分析 ; Paiwan Indigenous people ; indigenous art ; creation myths ; carving images and patterns ; content analysis




161期(2008 / 09 / 01)


135 - 183




綜觀人類藝術史的發展,人的主題一直是藝術創作表現的大宗,藉由繪畫、雕刻等藝術形式,藝術家從視覺創作的角度對「人」的主題進行不同面向的詮釋與再現。對於原住民文化而言,長久以來人像主題也一直是其藝術表現的重要表徵與傳統核心。尤其是以創生信仰為中心的視覺性藝術表達而言,「人」與「身體」的概念以及人體與面容的各種形象、特徵、比例等形式構築而成的視覺意象,是如何在傳統文化脈絡下透過文本媒介多層次的塑造和展現,值得從視覺角度加以思考。 針對原住民藝術圖像為檢視主體,本研究企圖從排灣族口傳神話中有關「人」的意象塑造出發,連結其藝術圖像文本進行分析,以探討排灣族視覺傳統中「人」的意象、形體特徵、視覺性與再現。整體論述架構以文本分析為基礎,神話文本的研究範圍鎖定排灣族文獻資料當中的創人神話母題、類型與情節,至於視覺文本的研究範圍則針對排灣族傳統人像雕刻所表達的人體主題形式。神話與圖像分析重點涵蓋三方面,第一是原型與創生意象方面;第二是人體因素的呈現方面,包括性別、年紀、人體比例、體態、心理與情緒等;第三是視覺再現因素方面,包括形式、媒介、構圖、動作、場面等議題,藉以探討排灣族藝術圖像當中有關「人」的形象概念、生命意象與隱喻、地位與視覺美感之再現。本文進而針對典型化的形式概念,嘗試從族群神話、倫理與階級觀念的文化角度加以探討,並提出有關人體典範所構築的視覺美感、權力與自我觀視等延伸議題之討論。


With no written language system, the Taiwan Indigenous people have rel ied on oral tradition as a major way of cultural transmission and communication for a long time. Moreover, visual art representation has played an important role in their daily life and ritual as well. Based on an analysis of texts of myths and visual art, the article aims to reveal the images and visual representation of human in Paiwan Indigenous culture. With focus on subject of ”human” transcribed in texts, the metaphors, characters, and visualization on human beings and body are categorized, analyzed, and interpreted. Based on methodology of content analysis, this research is conducted to analyze the traditional myths on human life creation, including stories and tales, and also visual patterns of human figures represented in Paiwan ancestral sculptures, carved artifacts and other art forms. Analytic perspectives of visual theory and notions of literary transtexuality are applied to interpret Paiwan Indigenous myths, artifact and visual art presentation, in which patterns, elements, and composition applied in visual creation of these selected materials are analyzed and compared. In doing so, this study has a three-fold research purpose: First, it attempts to interpret indigenous visual thinking and representation of concept of the origin, based on contents of oral tradition and visual tradition. Second, it is designed to analyze human factors, such as body proportion, age, gender, feelings, mind, and status. Third, it aims to discuss visual factors of representation, such as formation, action, gestures, and background. Through text analysis, it will be shown that visual construction and expression of the form and image of human are deeply connected with traditional conception and aesthetics, and would provide rich cultural knowledge for the understanding of the indigenous world.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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