


The Southern Min Mortuary Ritual "Midnight": A Case Study of the Ciming Altar in Fengshan Village, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County




楊士賢(Shih-Hsien Yang)


釋教 ; 喪葬拔渡法事 ; 科儀 ; 花蓮縣 ; 慈明壇 ; Shijiao ; mortuary ritual ; liturgies ; Hualien County ; Ciming Altar




162期(2008 / 12 / 01)


85 - 138






The long-standing tradition of mortuary rituals (literally ”rites of merit” or gongde) constitutes one important phase of Taiwanese funeral ceremonies. According to historical records, Taiwanese people have relied on Buddhist or Daoist specialists to preside over such rites. However, recent field investigations reveal the presence of an additional type of specialist that also performs mortuary rites for the general public, namely masters who claim to belong to a religion known as Shijiao (literally ”The Teachings of Sakyamuni”). The Shijiao is a loosely organized religious movement that embraces elements of Buddhism, Daoism, and communal religious traditions. Although the Shijiao has been the subject of several articles, most have focused on its presence in western Taiwan. In contrast, the development of the Shijiao in eastern Taiwan and the general state of its mortuary rituals has received little attention from the scholarly world. To bridge this gap, I have chosen to examine the Ciming Altar of Fengshan Village in Shoufeng Township (Hualien County), and present a detailed account of the various liturgies that constitute the ”midnight” (wuye) mortuary rite. I first define the term ”Shijiao” and delineate this movement's origins, distribution, and sectarian affiliations, in order to clarify aspects concerning the titles, functions, and religious attributes of its specialists. Next, I describe the current state of the Shijiao in Hualien and the development of the Ciming Altar. Additional attention is also devoted to the scale, timing, altar arrangement, participants, musicalinstruments, and costumes of the ”midnight” ritual. The significance of each individual procedure will also be explained.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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