
Women as Worshippers, Women Worshipped: A Hakka Community in Hong Kong






羅碧詩(Elizabeth Lominska Johnson)


客家 ; 宗族 ; 香港 ; 天后 ; 人類學 ; Hakka ; lineage ; Hong Kong ; Tianhou ; anthropology




168期(2010 / 06 / 01)


79 - 109




本文以過去四十年田野工作收集的資料爲基礎,研究了香港新界荃灣區關門口村的婦女宗教活動。關門口村有兩個宗族,一直以一個有鮮明特色的實體延存下來,這是由於過去港英殖民政府一直支持新界村落的保護,而這些村落早在1898年時就已經存在。政府支持村落傳統的保護,即使在城鎮化發展迅速的地區,比如荃灣,也是如此。關門口村因此而形成的凝聚力促進了村落,宗族和家庭宗教活動的保存和傳播。 這些因素都有利於對比長期以來男女宗教活動之間關係的延續和變化,也有利於對比不同本土廣府社區的宗教活動。婦女的宗教活動過去和現在都存在與各種超自然存在拜祭之中,但被排除在對鬼魂的撫慰活動之外,其祖先給這些鬼魂提供保護。除了一些由男性主持的重大活動之外,女性可以拜祭地方神靈:保護地區的天後,村落的保護神,天神,土地公。婦女也參加春秋祖墳的祭祀活動,儘管這些活動由男性支持;已婚的女性可以拜祭宗祠里的宗族和家族祖先。女性去世之後,她們的靈位如男性一樣,被供放於祖先牌位之中,和其他祖先一樣,高高在神龕之中享受祭品和安詳。這些客家婦女在宗教活動之中的參與性和被包容性可以用來對比大多數廣府地區的宗教活動。


Women's religious practices in the two-lineage village of Kwan Mun Hau, located within the district of Tsuen Wan in the New Territories of Hong Kong, are the focus of this article, which is based on fieldwork carried out over the past forty years. This village remains a distinct entity because of the policies of the British colonial government, which supported the preservation of New Territories villages that were already in existence in 1898. Government also gave support to their traditions, even in a rapidly urbanizing district such as Tsuen Wan. The resulting cohesion of Kwan Mun Hau fostered the preservation and transmission of the religious practices of the village, the lineages, and their constituent families. These circumstances allowed for the comparisons that are made, broadly encompassing both continuity and change over time in the relationships between the religious practices of men and women, as well as some contrasts with the practices of indigenous Cantonese communities. Women's religious practices were and are addressed to various supernatural beings, but exclude the propitiation of ghosts, from which their ancestors offer protection. With the exception of very important occasions, when men lead worship, women worship the gods of localities: Tianhou, who protects their district; the village protective gods; the heavenly gods; and their household earth gods. They also participate in the worshipping of ancestors in the spring and autumn tomb rites, although men lead these rites, and married-in women worship lineage and family ancestors in the ancestral halls. Upon death, these women's souls are individually installed in the single ancestral tablet there, as are those of men, where they can receive offerings and enjoy peace and ancestral status in the company of others. The participation and inclusion of these Hakka women in kinship religion invites comparison with the practices of the Cantonese indigenous majority.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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