


The Occupational Transition and Theatrical Pattern of the Saishe Performance in Shangdang, Shanxi




王馗(Kui Wang)


賽社 ; 戲曲 ; 碑刻 ; 行會 ; saishe ; theatre ; stele inscription ; opera guild




170期(2010 / 12 / 01)


7 - 79






This article studies the extant theatre guilds of Shangdang, Shanxi. Based on texts inscribed on four steles, ranging from 1698 to 1884, I investigate the historical background of Yanhou Hall in Yuhuang Temple, Wuju Temple in Zezhou, Kaiyuan Temple in Wangchengtou Village, and Sansheng Temple in Lingchuan County. I also make use of the saishe texts circulated in this area that dated back to the Wanli reign (1573-1620) to inquire about the transitions from yuehu music households to theatrical artists, from government-sponsored troupes to professional troupes, from ritual performances to entertainment staging. In this process of transition, the Shangdang saishe opera became an obvious medium through which one perceives the Shangdang theatrical culture. The case examined in this article is the saishe performances in Jia Village in the city of Lucheng, Changzhi County. Analysis of the temple's characteristics and stage setting indicates that with the ever-shifting identity of the Shangdang music households, the artistic features of Shangdang theatre-both traditional and newly created-can be discerned in many of the saishe performances. Patterns of the Jia Village theatre offer a perspective for us to understand Chinese theatrical arts' process of integration since the Song and Yuan dynasties. Each of the various types of theatrical and performance styles with different historical backgrounds takes up a place in the saishe structure. With the help of theatre, the orthodox didactic teachings endorsed by the sovereign get to penetrate the lives of average people.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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