


Institutionalization of Hakka Music in Postwar Taiwan: An Analysis of Its Representation in Chuangyuan (Miauyo) Monthly 1962-1981




許馨文(Hsin-Wen Hsu)


臺灣客家 ; 音樂社會史 ; 建制化 ; 地方報刊 ; 中原苗友 ; Taiwan Hakka ; social history of music ; institutionalization ; community-based media ; Chuangyuan Miauyo Monthly




171期(2011 / 03 / 01)


121 - 179






This paper explores the social history of Hakka music in postwar Taiwan through community-based media. I focus my analysis on the institutionalization of Hakka music in Taiwan from the 1960s until the early 1980s, examining the processes wherein Hakka music in Taiwan gradually became a distinct category along with the occurrence of musical and non-musical institutional activities, as well as the production and dissemination of related discourse and cultural performance. The social life of the Hakka remained relatively under-documented in official history of Taiwan until the 1980s, and during this time the voices and activities of various Hakka communities were primarily recorded in community-based media. Thus, I examine the early formation of Hakka music culture in Taiwan through analyzing the representation of Hakka music activities in Miauyo Monthly (1962-1964) and it s renamed version cal led the Chuangyuan Monthly (1964-1981). This magazine is understood to be one of the first publications in Taiwan with targeted reportage on Hakka culture and affairs. I focus on the processes by which cultural practices in the name of Hakka music increased with certain institutional initiatives and further became routinized as patterns. I also investigate the role of individuals and organizations as social actors in the processes. My discussion begins with the establishment of the Folksong Contest in Miauli County of Taiwan in 1962 and its significance. I further analyze how this event served as the catalyst for a series of institutional activities organized in the name of Hakka music, such as the grouping of Hakka music associations, the promotion of Hakka music ”reform” movements, the organization of increasing Hakka music contests and concerts, the tours of Hakka musical performances to Japan, the implementation of Hakka folksong educational programs, and the production of radio dramas, music records, movies, and TV programs featuring Hakka culture. Moreover, I explore the logics wherein these institutional activities could develop, studying the ways through which such logics facilitated the communication of Hakka music. Finally, I investigate the role of the Chuangyuan (Miauyo) Monthly in the institutionalization of Hakka music, discussing how it worked not only as a reporter and reviewer documenting Hakka musical events during this time, but also as an intervener that actively participated in and shaped the social history of Hakka music.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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