


The Ideas and Practices of the Xiantiandao's Lingnan Branch: The Case of the Feixia Dong (Qingyuan County, Guangdong)




志賀市子(Ichiko Shiga)


先天道 ; 廣東 ; 嶺南道脈 ; 清遠飛霞洞 ; 救世團體 ; Xiantiandao ; Guangdong ; Lingnan branch ; Feixia dong Qingyuan County ; redemptive societies




173期(2011 / 09 / 01)


23 - 58






This article intends to examine the ideas and practices of the Lingnan branch of the Xiantiandao (Great Way of Former Heaven) in modern Guangdong by focusing on the Feixia dong (Cave of Flying Clouds), its largest-scale vegetarian hall. One of the famous redemptive societies, the Xiantiandao was the successor to a popular religious sect called Wuwei jindandao (another name for the Qinglianjiao) founded in Jiangxi during the reign of the Yongzheng emperor (1722-1736); its origins can be traced to the Luojiao, which arose during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). The Lingnan branch spread rapidly all over Guangdong within just a few decades after a member of Xiantiandao from Hunan preached its ideas in Qingyuan County during the mid-nineteenth century, with construction of the Feixia dong beginning on a Daoist sacred mountain Yuxia in 1912. Its founder Mai Changtian was a wealthy merchant who ventured his entire fortune on this construction project. During its heyday from the 1920s to 1930s, hundreds of male and female members practiced a vegetarian diet and self-cultivation, withdrawing from the secular world. By examining various documents from the Feixia dong, the paper not only focuses attention on its members, activities and businesses, but also treats its ideas about life and death as seen in its scriptures and rituals. I also examine the ideas of a series of spirit-written oracles entitled Tianren milu, which was edited by He Tingzhang, a prominent leader of Lingnan branch. After 1949, the Feixia dong was persecuted by the Communist Party, becoming a target of the campaign to eradicate ”reactionary sects and secret societies” that arose in 1953.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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