


Behind the Application for the Status of Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Study of the Female Deity Caozhu Niangniang (Lady of Lord Cao) in Yingde, Northern Guangdong




譚偉倫(Wai-Lun Tam)


非遺 ; 曹主娘娘 ; 英德 ; 地方神明 ; 女神 ; Intangible Cultural Heritage ; Caozhu niangniang (Lady ofLord Cao) ; Yingde ; local deity ; goddess




174期(2011 / 12 / 01)


259 - 304






Caozhu niangniang (Lady of Lord Cao) is an important local female deity in Yingde, northern Guangdong. An application for her cult as a national intangible cultural heritage was recently submitted by the Yingde County government, in which Caozhu niangniang was presented as a water deity of the North River that flows through Yingde. This application, apparently, takes other female water deities such as Tianhou (the Empress of Heaven) and Longmu (the Dragon Mother) as a model. Caozhu niangniang as a water deity, however, does not agree with the image which we got from our fieldwork. There are comparatively few temples in Yingde that worship Caozhu niangniang alone. She is more often worshipped with a dozen other local deities. Moreover, the miracle stories of Caozhu niangniang we collected have more to do with local defense against robbers than with transportation on the North River. Besides, the events in most stories happened in the mountains rather than along the river. Caozhu niangniang as a water deity appears to have been re-invented after the model of Tianhou, which now has become a national intangible cultural heritage. The number of miracle stories about local gods, especially about Caozhu niangniang's supporting local defense against bandits and the large number of accounts of bandits in Yingde recorded by various versions of the gazetteers lead us to believe that Yingde was integrated into the nation only in name, and not until the late imperial period. In reality, local military forces called bandits periodically occupied county government buildings, collected taxes and robbed villages. To defend against them, villagers organizes themselves under the banner of Caozhu niangniang. Caozhu niangniang alone, perhaps, was not quite strong enough in the matter of local defense. She was, therefore, worshipped in conjunction with a dozen other local deities, forming an alliance of supernatural defense. Among the alliance gods, it is intriguing to find Panggu, the main deity of the Yao, aminority tribe. The Yao are said to have been driven to the mountains by the Han Chinese long ago. In this paper, we try to interpret the worship of Caozhu niangniang in the context of the local history of Yingde.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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