


Heritage as Space Identification: Heritage Discourse of Fengtian Community, Hualien




張育銓(Yu-Chuan Chang)


遺產 ; 遺產論述 ; 空間識別 ; 豐田社區 ; 花蓮 ; heritage ; heritage discourse ; space identification ; Fengtian Community ; Hualien




176期(2012 / 06 / 01)


193 - 231






Promotion of World Heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has gradually extended the concept of universal value towards a new perspective on local heritage. As the concept of heritage was imported into Taiwan, it was generally translated to cultural property, which failed to project the overall meaning of the spatiality and practicality of heritage. In heritage discourse, the relationship between heritage and space is the medium best suited to connect locality and globality as well as historical memory and local identity. In this relationship, the interaction of nature and humanities is merged in a cultural landscape, which has been a popular topic in recent years with regards to heritage and space. This study attempts to view heritage as a type of space identification and presents the multiple possibilities of heritage discourse through case analysis of a cultural landscape. This study starts by analyzing the overall space of Fengtian Community in Hualien. Using the space identification of the Japanese immigrant village within the community, different angles of observation and identification for the cultural landscapes are investigated in the context of Taiwanese history. While the government and academia debate how to localize heritage concepts, the habitants in a small community in Eastern Taiwan are practicing and performing a heritage discourse in their daily life that belongs to themselves and could as well belong to the whole world.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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