


A Study on the Improvisational Performance in Taiwanese Luantan (Beiguan) Theater of "Tuan-a-hi"


簡秀珍(Hsiu-Jen Jian)


演員 ; 臺灣亂彈戲 ; 活戲 ; 傳仔戲 ; 劇目 ; performer ; Taiwan luantan theater ; improvisational performance ; tuān-á-hì ; repertory




181期(2013 / 09 / 01)


49 - 96






Judging from extant studies and the oral information given by the performers of the Taiwanese luantan (beiguan) theater, it has been held that the improvisational performance used to exist in Taiwanese luantan theater. This type of performance is frequently known as ”tuān-á-hì,” which was based on a scenario chart and was opposed to ”tsiànn-pún-hi,” performed in accordance with an oral-derived text. In the paper, I review extant scholarship and collect more performers' opinions to redefine the term ”tuān-á-hì.” At the same time, I try to discuss the relation between the actor's training background and their performance on stage. I also analyze how the actors cooperate with the orchestra and handle the techniques of the improvisational acting.The differences of the audiences' tastes, the venues for the performances, the actors' training background all influenced the performances of ”tuān-á-hì.”Before the 1970s, in the west part of Taiwan, the troupes of luantan theater played in indoor theaters or temples for more than 10 days each time, so they frequently connected some episodes from both ”tuān-á-hì” and ”tsiànn-pún-hi” to compose a long play which was performed in series. However, in the region of Yilan, the troupes didn't link the two types of drama because the duration of a performance was generally less than three days and the performances accompanied the celebrations held at temples.Having analyzed the matinee's repertory of the Hanyang Beiguan Troupe in Yilan since 1974, we find that the chance to perform ”tuān-á-hì” increases after the 1970s. The traditional troupes playing in Yilan used to ”perform the beiguan theater for matinee,” but, at that time, few actors were trained by luantan troupes. As a result, most of the actors had to come from other theatrical troupes, and sometimes these actors even added new types of drama to enrich the repertory of ”Hanyang.” In this case, the ”beiguan theater” probably contained the music of siping theater, Peking opera and beiguan theater in one play.From the development of the ”tuān-á-hì” of beiguan theater, we can find how the Taiwanese luantan theater made efforts to survive in a changing world.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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