Nippon Phonograph Company (Nitchiku) was the first among Japanese record company to import record industry into colonial Taiwan. From 1914 to 1943, it issued more than 2000 sides of Taiwanese records. Even though the metal discs of these records have been well preserved at the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, while the released records and their catalogues in the hands of record collectors, there remain very few documents about their production and release. Consequently past research on these records mostly focused on the products rather than the process.This paper uses three newly uncovered archival documents of Nitchiku to reconstruct the dates and locales of its recordings of Taiwanese music and to speculate on the strategy behind their production. These three documents include the recording ledgers, the recording log reports kept by the recording engineers, and the release orders. They are supplemented by information gained from the metal discs of the recordings, sound files, newspaper reports, photos, record labels, music scores, etc.Analysis of these diverse sources reveals that the recordings did not take place in Japan only but actually went through several stages, including Taipei (1926-1927), Taipei/Tokyo (1929-1931), Tokyo/Osaka (1932.3-1933.7), Tokyo (1933.8-9), Tokyo (1934.9-12), Taipei (1936, 1938), Tokyo (1939.5). The recordings in Taiwan and Japan exhibit obvious differences. The recordings in Taipei mostly featured traditional genres and musicians and hence were more diverse in their contents and involved a larger number of performers; moreover, the performance level of Western music was lower and the sound quality poorer. In contrast, those made in Tokyo/Osaka mostly featured pop songs and Taiwanese Opera sung by a core group of singers, with a higher level of performance of Western music and better sound quality.These findings suggest that the selection of the locales depended on the contents and desired sound quality of the recordings. When the recordings involved more Western music or required better sound quality, the recordings had to be done in Japan because of Taiwan's lack of musicians and arrangers of Western music and its poorer recording facilities and techniques. In order to reduce budget, the recordings were usually done in large batches (with the hundreds of pop songs recorded in three batches, namely August-September 1933, September to November 1934, and May 1939) and then released gradually in bits and pieces without following the original sequence of recordings. Moreover, in order to economize the manpower, each of the core group of performers had to be versatile enough to perform both pop and traditional genres, and, in doing so, the same singer was given different artistic names according to the genres and labels. This practice was unique to the recordings of Taiwanese music, as a way to adapt to the limited musical and technical resources of the record industry in colonial Taiwan.
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波多野太郎監修、村松一彌監修、三浦勝利監修(1980)。中国伝統音楽集成:史料としての SP 盤。東京:Nippon Columbia。