


The Interrelation between Dao-Fa and the Meishan Daoism in the Central Hunan: A Case Study of Xinhua County


呂永昇(Wing-Sing Lui)


道教 ; 梅山派 ; 民間信仰 ; 地方社會 ; 儀式專家 ; Daoism ; Meishan sect ; popular beliefs ; local society ; ritual specialist




184期(2014 / 06 / 01)


105 - 153






This paper is based on my fieldwork research conducted over the past few years as well as documentary research about the formation and development of local Daoist tradition in the Meishan area, which is located in central Hunan. The period covered is from the Song dynasty to the present time. There is documentary evidence of Meishan aboriginal groups active in the region from the Tang and the Five dynasties. During the northern Song, the Meishan area was developed by the imperial government. Meishan served hereafter not only as a geographical label but was also generally identified with the indigenous people and local spirits. From the late Yuan to the early Ming, newcomers used fashu ("spiritual power") which co-operated with Lushan Daoist traditions to sanctify their landownership. Applying fashu became a predominant approach to open up primitive land. This is a significant period when the Meishan tradition and the Lushan Daoist tradition mixed together. In the mid-Ming, when the order was restored by the imperial government after the rebellion; the City God, a symbol of the imperial government, was incorporated into the belief system of local society, with the spread of the Zhengyi sect (Orthodox Oneness Sect). The long duration of the overlapping processes of local beliefs with different ritual traditions produces distinct regional characteristics, which can be shown in the routine ritual observances.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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