Unlike shamans who have low social status and who suffer from illness before being initiated in many other regions in the world, female Paiwan shamans, selected by shamanic ancestors who cause sacred beads (zaqu) to appear as a sign, are highly respected in the stratified Paiwan society. This paper attempts to examine the decline and revitalization of shamanic traditions of the indigenous Paiwan people in Taiwan from the colonial to the post-colonial periods, exemplified by Kulalao Village in southwestern Taiwan. In the post-colonial era, while most Paiwan villages have been Christianized and lost their shamanic traditions, Kulalao Village stands apart in that it has preserved and revitalized magnificent five-year ceremony and shamanic traditions. This paper explores the reasons underlying this phenomenon. It also compares the situation in the Paiwan Kulalao and similar ones among the Tuban and Nanhe with others in Siberia and Korea.
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