


Constructing Subjectivity and Authenticity of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Exemplified by Chishang Canal Cultivation Areas and Shoufeng Riverbed Farming


張育銓(Yu-Chuan Chang)


農業遺產系統 ; 花蓮壽豐 ; 臺東池上 ; 遺產論述 ; Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) ; Shoufeng (Hualien) ; Chishang (Taitung) ; heritage discourse




193期(2016 / 09 / 01)


129 - 219






Various local cultural features originate from agriculture and thus have strong connections with the land itself. The complex relationship between humans and the land has shaped unique terrains and cultural landscapes, whereas human labor and land use evolved into discrete cultural practices. Currently registered agricultural world heritage are primarily agricultural landscapes and intangible cultural heritage sites, yet there is little discourse regarding agricultural heritage systems and practices. The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) is a dynamic heritage conservation initiative adopting a comprehensive set of cultural practices for sustainable agriculture and land development. Therefore, investigating this evolution of heritage sites fills the lack of discourse on agricultural practices. Before planning and implementing heritage practices, examining the discourse on agricultural heritage is crucial because it influences the scope and potential development of the heritage concept. Fieldwork and literature analysis were adopted in this study to investigate locations in Eastern Taiwan. In this study, the irrigation system in the Taitung cultivation area, which flows via the Chishang channel, was investigated to demonstrate the subjectivity of heritage discourse. Using the discontinued cultivation of seedless watermelons in the riverbed farms of Shoufeng, Hualien as an example, this study discussed the authenticity of heritage discourse. By investigating the construction of heritage sites and the history of local development, the subjectivity and authenticity problems associated with heritage discourse is clarified. Thus, this study outlines a pathway for Taiwan to participate in GIAHS-related discussions.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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