


The Geo-relational Background and Performance Variations of the Piece "Lotus" in Minnan, Hakka, and Chaozhou Zheng Music: On the Three Versions of Zhang Xuehai, Rao Ningxin, and Lin Maogen


張儷瓊(Chang Li-chiung)


福建箏樂(閩南箏樂) ; 客家箏樂 ; 潮州箏樂 ; 出水蓮 ; Fujian zheng music (Minnan zheng music) ; Hakka zheng music ; Chaozhou zheng music ; Lotus




194期(2016 / 12 / 01)


53 - 112






In the bordering area between South Fujian and East Guangdong, there are three primary zheng schools, representing respectively the Minnan, Hakka, and Chaozhou's cultural traditions. Generally speaking, the repertoire of these three zheng schools overlap. In terms of their stylistic features, Minnan zheng music is mainly characterized by its clarity. Hakka zheng music is often interpreted as classic and elegant. Chaozhou zheng music is well-known for its embellishments and refined subtlety. The stylistic features of the three zheng schools are inferred from their unique performing skills as well as characteristic musical vocabularies. This article aims to investigate three versions of "Lotus" from Minnan, Hakka, and Chaozhou zheng music in an attempt to discuss the similarities and diversities based on the geo-relations and the melodic contours. The study indicates the fact that the special geo-relation of South Fujian and East Guangdong helped form distinct melodic contours in this area. The performance techniques, especially the sliding and pressing techniques of left hand fingers, is the most decisive factor in determining the stylistic features of the three zheng schools. Due to the similar geo-relational circumstances of this area and the cultural interactions between ethnic groups, there had been sufficient integration between repertoires of zheng music. On the other hand, different linguistic background and customs brought about distinct instrumental details and aesthetics. Ultimately, there exists both similarity and diversity of the melodic contours among Minnan, Hakka, and Chaozhou zheng Music.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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