


The Revival of the Cult of Cui Fujun in Shanxi and Hebei


王華艷(Wang Huayan)


崔府君信仰 ; 長治 ; 磁縣 ; 山西 ; 河北 ; 修廟 ; 道教 ; 靈媒 ; cult of Cui Fujun ; Changzhi ; Cixian ; Shanxi ; Hebei ; temple reconstruction ; Daoism ; spirit mediums




195期(2017 / 03 / 01)


79 - 140






This paper examines the state of popular religion in northern China based on a study of the recent revival of the cult of Cui Fujun 崔府君. The worship of this deity has been practiced in the north China for over one thousand years, especially in Hebei 河北 and Shanxi 山西. Based on several years of historical and ethnographic research on the revival of 26 Cui Fujun temples in the region, especially around the cities of Changzhi 長治 and Cixian 磁縣, this paper analyzes different modalities of temple reconstruction, including "official" and "popular," with specific cases highlighted to assess the diverse conditions (rural or urban) in which temples survived and developed, as well as the temple activists (devotees and managers) who mobilize resources to preserve and promote cult worship. In addition, the paper considers religious practices in these temples so as to shed light on two features of Cui Fujun worship: praying for rain or offspring plus the roles of Daoist priests and spirit mediums. The last part of the paper focuses on the place of Cui Fujun temples in local alliance networks as observed during public events such as temple fairs and collective ceremonies to pray for rain. Most of the sources used in this paper were collected during fieldwork, including architectural and iconographic works, epigraphic sources, and interview data.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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