


When Bound Feet Encounter Natural Feet: Ethnic Assimilation and Social Pressure


葉高華(Yap Ko-hua)


族群關係 ; 門檻模型 ; 歷史人口 ; 歷史GIS ; 空間計量 ; ethnic relation ; threshold model ; historical demography ; historical GIS ; spatial econometrics




197期(2017 / 09 / 01)


107 - 133






The Hoklo people preferred bound feet while the Hakka people preferred natural feet. However, in the Hoklo areas close to the Hakka areas, the custom of foot binding were not as popular as other Hoklo areas. Ethnic assimilation can only partially explain this phenomenon. Household registers data shows that Hoklo female with cross-ethnic family background were more likely to get rid of foot binding. However, the Hoklo women without such background in the Hoklo- Hakka frontiers were also easier to get rid of foot binding than who in other Hoklo areas. This article points out that foot binding was like the "arms race." The more the popularity of foot binding in the surroundings, the more the likelihood the parents bind their daughters' feet, to avoid getting a disadvantage in the marriage market. Conversely, the existence of a lot people who do not pursue the lotus feet in the surroundings drastically reduced the pressure of pursuing foot binding. This mechanism effectively explains the phenomenon that the custom of foot binding were less popular in Hoklo-Hakka frontiers.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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