


Mulian Saves His Mother, Miaoshan Saves Her Father, Nezha Battles with Li Jing: The Processes of Subjectification of Sons and Daughters in Chinese Society


丁仁傑(Ting Jen-chieh)


神話 ; 妙善公主 ; 哪吒 ; 目連救母 ; 父系體系 ; 主體化 ; legend ; Miaoshan ; Nezha ; Mulian ; patrilineal system ; subjectification




198期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 62






This paper addresses some general issues on subjectification and system reproduction: how some popular legends manifest resistance to patrilineal society yet still obtain its strong social resonance? What are the effects of this popularity on Chinese patrilineal system? Four legends (Miaoshan, Nezha, Mulian, and Guangmu) have been examined systematically to explore these issues. In particular, through contextualizing these legends through the duality of father vs. mother, son vs. daughter, social mother vs. biological mother, son vs. linkage broken children, etc., we show how people in the shadowy part of the system entail different sentiments, yet still gain subjectification within the system, and this further strengthens the reproducibility of the system.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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