


A Modern City: The Urban Development of Hong Kong and the Local Cantonese Opera Productions in the 1950s


鄭寧恩(Cheng Ling Yan)


粵劇 ; 殖民現代性 ; 離散意識 ; 改編 ; 混合性 ; Cantonese opera ; colonial modernity ; diasporic consciousness ; adaptation ; hybridity




199期(2018 / 03 / 01)


213 - 262






The history of modern Hong Kong, especially the development of Hong Kong cinema into the "Hollywood of the East," is understood to begin after the Second World War. Despite the fact that most of the population of Hong Kong are Chinese people who share a common ethnicity, the cultural and political development of Hong Kong is substantially different from that of Mainland China, and so are their Chinese opera productions. Population flow, town planning policy, diasporic consciousness, and freedom of creativity are closely associated with the creation of experimental Cantonese operas in the 1950s. This paper focuses on the impact of colonial modernity on the urban development of Hong Kong from the early 1950s, and the various cultural influences brought from the cosmopolitan Shanghai, Guangzhou, Japan, as well as the Western film and culture available under the British colonial rule. Following the modernisation of this little colony, the local Cantonese opera productions created at the time could be categorised as "restoring" old practice of the 1920s and 1930s and "enhancing" the existing repertoire and performance practice, which in turn vividly demonstrates the hybrid identity of Hong Kong.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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