


A Survey of Taimu Cult and Ritual Art in Shangfang Mountain, Suzhou


陳泳超(Chen Yongchao)


太姥 ; 五通 ; 上方山 ; 儀式文藝 ; Taimu ; Wutong ; the Shangfang mountain ; ritual art




200期(2018 / 06 / 01)


201 - 255






The prevailing viewpoint of the origin of Wutong cult (Wuxian cult included) is that it stemmed from the Wuyuan area and then spread throughout various places in southern China. Among these places, the northern part of the Wu dialect region centering around Taihu Basin is particularly notable. While the region has absorbed this cult since the Ming dynasty, some distinct features have also been developed there. For one thing, people have created a deity, "Taimu, the Mother of Wutong," and endowed her with a higher status and more power than Wutong; for another, the Shangfang mountain in suburban Suzhou has been regarded as a shrine of "Taimu" and "Wutong," the radius of which covers the entire Taihu Basin. The previous studies have mostly focused on the distribution of the cult and the preforming arts associated with it, such as baojuan. This research, based on a two-year field survey of the local religious assemblies, would center on the Shangfang mountain and present a general picture of the activities. Special attention will be given to various semiprofessional ritual arts performances that are associated with the cult, such as purgatory rituals, sutra-reciting, xuanjuan, sacred-song singing, chanting and juggling. In addition, this research also collects information on the religious activities in the Shangfang mountain from various Ming and Qing documents, in order to shed new light on some lost traditions and to provide a holistic historical comparison for the present situation.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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