


"Tradition" or "Creation"? Women's Organization Militepuray in Between the Practices of 'Atolan Amis Rituals and Norms of Gender Hierarchy


羅素玫(Lo Su-mei)


傳統 ; 階序 ; 性別 ; 年齡組織 ; 婦女組 ; 阿美族 ; tradition ; hierarchy ; gender ; age organization ; women's organization ; Amis




200期(2018 / 06 / 01)


25 - 101




本文嘗試從性別區辨、儀式與價值體系變遷的視角探討傳統的定義,以及行動者(actor)在其界定傳統的過程中隱含的將自己與過去連結的方式,並進而分析其中所涉及的歷史性(historicity)與文化認同(cultural identity)的意涵。阿美族都蘭部落的婦女組部分是來自日本時期的「創新」,但經過長期文化內部的價值詮釋和儀式制度化,成為今天部落集體所共同認可的豐年祭儀的一部分。在此嘗試鋪陳一個微觀的民族誌過程,來呈現傳統形塑的動態性與其牽涉到的脈絡意義,並透過社會組織中的不同能動者(agent)如何運用其所在的階序關係、社會位置和對於祭儀傳統延續的理解,在爭議產生之時進行協商,實踐其對於現時文化的詮釋,也面對傳統的承繼,與執行其銜接現在與過去的使命。本研究也藉此聚焦在,阿美族已婚女性參與豐年祭儀式組織的傳統,如何成為當代都蘭部落社會中,多義與多議的行動過程。


This article examines the definition of tradition from the perspectives of the distinction of sex, changes of ritual and value system, and how actors articulate themselves with the past in the process of practicing their tradition. It also involves the ideas of what historicity means and the cultural identity. The women's organization militepuray of the 'Atolan Amis community is partly a creation during the Japanese period, while the inner communal interpretation and ritualization of the institution have undergone changes for a long time and have made the organization recognized as part of the tradition of the annual celebration of kiluma'an. Here, I present an ethnographic process to show the continuous dynamics and contextual meanings within the ritual practices and how the different agents in the age organization use their hierarchical relations, social positions and the understanding of ritual tradition to accomplish their tasks toward the ancestors and the collectivity through negotiation. This research focuses on what the tradition of the women's organization in the Amis age group system can be and how it has become an issue of multi-voices' practices in the contemporary Amis society.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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