


The Structure of God Kinship (Shenqin) and the Transformation of Local Society in Shandong since the Song Dynasty


任雅萱(Ren Yaxuan)


宋代以來 ; 神親結構 ; 顏文姜 ; 山東 ; 地方社會 ; Song Dynasty ; god kinship ; Yan Wenjiang ; Shandong ; local society




206期(2019 / 12 / 01)


29 - 80






This paper traces the changing structure of god kinship (shenqin) since the Song Dynasty, and discusses the changes in temple-centric religious organization, in order to outline the process of change in local society. In North China villages, people often relate to the god in kinship terms. Organizing sacrificial activities on the basis of kinship is an important way for villagers to express their rights to participate in the worship of a given god. In the Boshan area just to the east of Taishan in Shandong province, there was a filial woman named Yan Wenjiang living in the state of Qi, and the Yan Temple where she is worshiped is the most important in the area. When the Northern Song Dynasty gave her an official title as "Lady of Shunde," the area around Yan Temple came into official view. Changes in population and economic structure in the area after the Yuan-Ming transition led to transformation of religious organization, and the idea of god kinship is one way to understand it. Based on their relationship with Yan Wenjiang, people living around Yan Temple developed two different sacrificing groups, referred to respectively as the husband's mother's family (pojia) and the wife's mother's home (niangjia). Since the revival of the "Wenjiang Temple Fair" in the 1990s, every year from the end of the fifth to the end of the sixth month there is a one-month "return to the wife's mother's home" (hui niangjia). This article will focus on how the Yan Temple became the center of a local community from the Northern Song Dynasty on, and will explain how the god kinship structure evolved from the temple as center to the village as center. This reflects a gradual change from "going in audience before the Saint" in her temple to "inviting and sending" gods that broke with the constraints of the territorial nature of religious organization.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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