


Materials on Popular Religion Collected by the Russian Sinologist Vasiliy Alekseev during His Expedition to the Southern China in 1912


葉可佳(Ekaterina Zavidovskaia);波莉娜(Polina Rud)


漢學家阿理克 ; 民間宗教 ; 彼得大帝俄羅斯科學院人類學與民族學博物館 ; 地域性 ; sinologist V. M. Alekseev ; popular religion ; Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; local specifics




207期(2020 / 03 / 01)


255 - 299




本文探討俄羅斯漢學家阿列克謝耶夫(Vasiliy Mikhailovitch Alekseev, 1881-1951,以下稱其漢名阿理克)1912年訪問中國南方地區所搜集的一系列民間宗教相關的文書及圖象。1912年阿理克赴華的路線是:海參威—哈爾濱—上海—寧波—普陀山—福州—廈門—汕頭—廣州—香港—聖彼得堡。阿理克受到俄羅斯中東亞研究委員會的委託赴華收集並採購民俗物品,他將所收集的物品交給彼得大帝俄羅斯科學院人類學與民族學博物館,一共約1083件物品(館內登錄號2054)。1906-1909年在華深造時,阿理克對中國南北民俗及民間信仰獲得很深入的了解,1912年他以專家的眼光判斷所聞見的社會現象,並採購對民俗及宗教研究有價值的物品。本文探討阿理克所收集具有南方區域特色的民間宗教文書,如諸神紙馬、普度驅魔趕鬼等儀式中應用的牒文、冥界用品,花公、花母、紫微星君等神的疏文。這批學術界還陌生的文書對於清末民初中國南方民間信仰研究相當有價值,並且讓我們更全面地了解阿理克的漢學研究方法與俄羅斯漢學的承繼。


The paper discusses materials on popular cults and religion collected by the founding father of Russian sinology Vasiliy Mikhailovitch Alekseev (1881-1951) during his ethnographic expedition to the southern China in 1912. The route of his travel was as follows: Vladivostok - Harbin - Shanghai - Ningbo - Putuoshan - Fuzhou - Xiamen - Shantou - Guangzhou - Hong Kong - Saint-Petersburg. Alekseev collected ethnographic materials on behalf of the Russian Committee of East Asian Studies and handed purchased artifacts in the amount of about 1083 pieces (registration No. 2054) to the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. During his earlier studies in China in 1906-1909 Alekseev acquired large collections of ethnographic materials and folk art from the northern regions of China. Therefore, in 1912 he was able to spot interesting facts of social and religious life through professional eye and purchased objects valuable for ethnographic research. This paper focuses on the regional specifics of the objects brought by Alekseev from South China, e.g. paper icons zhima, funeral objects, memorials and prayers used for soul salvation and exorcism rituals, and worship of local deities like Huagong, Huamu and Ziwei Celestial Emperor. Objects from this collection unknown to the academia shed light on local cults and arts of late Qing early Republican era and provide new data on methods and interpretations offered by Alekseev and later Russian sinologists.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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