The Nanshi Amis group live in the southern part of the Kilai Plain. Due to the coming of settler immigrants since the colonial era, their settlement had largely been reduced and their traditional rituals forced out of native locale. In this study, I use the "boat ritual" (palunan), an age-group initiation ritual of Lidaw Tribe, as an example to discuss the intricate relationships between "ritual landscape" and "cultural heritage." I pose three questions in this study. First, as a kind of initiation, how does the palunan ritual link to recognizing or remembering environmental landscape and engaging a dialogue with cultural transformation? Second, different age groups respond differently to the ritual practices and training process, exhibiting an interweaving of diverse memories and historical events. How does the ritual correspond to discourse of the collective identity and legendary tales in order to generate cultural significance? Third, how do their ritual rules and family politics affect their collective memories and become latent text for cultural heritage narrative? From a perspective of ritual landscape and cultural heritage, this paper intends to show how altered ways of living and environmental shift caused by urban development brought impact on the contemporary rituals. Through the historical records and collective memories of the boat ritual in different periods of time, I reflect on the importance of ritual landscape that holds the collective memories together. Taken the village rituals as a participatory action of cultural heritage, I offer that ritual memory is an active presentation of the tribal family politics and social action. The actual participatory action serves as a record of cultural heritage. Through current changes of activities in the tribe, I observe the mutual relation between process of cultural heritage and ethnic identity.
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