


Application and Uniqueness: Embroidered Roundels with Theatrical Figures in Late Qing Garments


郭昭吟(Kuo Chao-yin)


戲曲團花 ; 戲曲圖案 ; 晚清女性服裝 ; Chinese opera roundels ; Chinese opera figures ; late Qing women's clothing




216期(2022 / 06 / 01)


109 - 139






The purpose of this article is to analyze a piece of garment, "Blue Satin Jacket with Embroidered Roundels of Theatrical Figures," held in the collection of Chinese Textiles and Clothing Culture Center. I first describe the pictorial composition of the roundels, then demonstrate how each of the ten roundels on the garment depicts a theatrical scene. The jacket features the following scenes "A Surprising Dream" from The Peony Pavilion, "Endowing the Tower" from The Pearl Tower, "Tossing a Spear" from Series of Stratagems, and other highlights from love stories in Chinese opera. Through the arrangement and combination of different scenes from Chinese opera, the wearer created a unique narrative that details the story of a woman falling in love of her own free will, marrying and having children, and taking care of her parents-in-law. I use the narrative roundels on the jacket as a basis to discuss how these Chinese opera figures are applied and depicted in Qing illustrations, ceramics, and New Year woodblock prints. Intertextual analysis is used to demonstrate the similarities and differences between various types of media, as well as how the popular opera culture has impacted the presentation of such figures on different visual mediums. This will highlight how these late Qing Chinese opera roundels are used as modular semiotic elements and how uniquely they convey cultural and emotional values in women's dresses.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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