


Shaping "Classic Hakka Cuisine": Food Narratives, Ethnic Policy, and the Construction of Hakka Images in Taiwan since 2000


張正霖(Chang Cheng-lin)


經典客家菜 ; 飲食敘事 ; 族群政策 ; 客家意象 ; 文創產業化 ; classic Hakka cuisine ; food narratives ; ethnic policy ; Hakka images ; cultural and creative industrialization




220期(2023 / 06 / 01)


63 - 115






Since the 1980s, discourse on Hakka cuisine in Taiwan has been carried out spontaneously by civil society. In 2001, the Hakka Affairs Council of the Executive Yuan was established, and Hakka food culture became an important facet of symbolizing ethnic differences. Under the government's leadership, the certification and promotion of Hakka diet or "Hakka cuisine" have been included in the Hakka Affairs Council's governance structure over a long period of time. With the cooperation of state and civil society, the formation of discourse and practice of Hakka specialties has gradually become an important basis for depicting Hakka images. Around 2005, the characteristics of Taiwan's "Hakka cuisine" were generally described as "oily, salty, and pungent" to fit this narrative. Eating habits became symbols to refer to specific collective images of the Hakka people, such as hard-working, frugal, and settled in mountainous areas. The key part of this endeavor involved gradually defining "Si Wen Si Chao" (Four Braised and Four Stir-fried Dishes) as representative of classic Hakka cuisine. In 2012, with the promotion of the Hakka Affairs Council’s policies such as "Hakka Specialty Restaurant Certification and Talent Training Program," a typical narrative structure based on "Si Wen Si Chao" was established and has been continuously linked to cultural and creative industrialization, commercialization, and being refined. In other words, the construction of food narratives and ethnic policy, which complement each other, has become the most common category to demonstrate contemporary Taiwanese Hakka imagery. Through the definition and promotion of a specific food culture, Taiwanese Hakka has become an imagined community that can be effectively identified. Based on these phenomena, this article focuses on the emergence and evolution of official ethnic policy narratives such as "oily, salty, and pungent" and "Si Wen Si Chao" as objects of analysis to explore how these metaphysical discourses and references to Hakka cuisine were incorporated into the construction process of contemporary Taiwanese Hakka imagery.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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