


Comparative Research on Chishui Jintan: A Focus on Local Taoism in Northeast Jiangxi


林振源(Lin Chen-yuan);呂燁(Lü Ye)


敕水禁壇 ; 清微 ; 靈寶 ; 正一 ; 齋醮 ; rites of consecrating water and barring the altar (Chishui Jintan) ; Pure Tenuity ; Numinous Treasure ; Orthodox Unity ; fasting and offering rituals (zhaijiao)




220期(2023 / 06 / 01)


203 - 260






The Chishui Jintan first appeared during the Tang dynasty as a ritual to purify and bar the altar. At the beginning of the Tang dynasty, it was mainly performed as part of offering rituals (jiao). After the late Tang dynasty, it was absorbed into fasting rituals (zhai) and became a regular sequence. At present, Taoist traditions in local communities preserve the Chishui Jintan rites (also referred to as "consecrating the altar," "consecrating water," or "barring the altar"). This paper intends to compare the Chishui Jintan rites of different Taoist movements such as Pure Tenuity, local Numinous Treasure, and Fujian Numinous Treasure, in local Taoist traditions of Northeast Jiangxi (formerly part of the Shangrao area of Guangxin Prefecture). It will also investigate the use of exorcism in Song and Yuan dynasty Chishui Jintan rites, as well as the diversity and typical issues of local Taoist rituals reflected in it, and further respond to the differences in the ritual time arrangements between Orthodox Unity Taoism in Taipei and Numinous Treasure Taoism in Tainan. These time arrangements reflect the place of fasting and offering rituals as well as differences between these two great Taoist traditions. Preliminary research has found that the time arrangement of the Chishui Jintan in contemporary rituals can be used as one of the bases for identifying different Taoist traditions, and is also helpful in discussing the so-called "Lingbao established fasting rituals while Zhengyi specializes in offering rituals" discourse in the Taoist classics of the Song dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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