This paper explores the seven-day initiation festival known as guoguangchang 過光場 ("passing the place of light") performed by the Taiwanese Longhuapai 龍華派 ("Dragon Flower Sect") as an intersection of not only sectarian but also Buddhist, Daoist, Confucian, and popular religious teachings, rituals, cosmological notions, moral values, cultural idioms, and material religion. Drawing on a 2010 case study of the Audience at Heaven Hall (Chaotiantang 朝天堂) in Changhua City (彰化市), as well as Qing-period source material, this paper supplements existing research in situating the festival in both the sectarian repertoire and the larger religious landscape of Chinese societies. By picking three rituals as case studies, I demonstrate the synthetic fusion of various elements that cut across established scholarly categories, such as Buddhist, Daoist, or sectarian. I look at (1) Altar arrangements that theatrically reenact cosmogenesis according to native Chinese and Daoist cosmologies; (2) The Collective salvation of neophytes in the "dharma boat" (fachuan 法船) ritual; and, (3) The ritual preparation of a rice offering, which, in its most recent variant, explicates a fusion of native and Buddhist cosmological concepts. This paper thus seeks to contribute to the long-standing scholarly discussion of conceptualizing some religious group as "Vegetarian Sects," zhaijiao 齋教, an umbrella term used in Taiwan to denote the Longhuapai and two other sectarian traditions. While earlier studies priorities their purportedly Buddhist orientation, including the late Danial Overmyer 's pioneering characterization of Chinese sects as "folk Buddhist religion," I draw attention to other diverse religious elements in the Longhuapai's initiation festival, and thereby seek to highlight the highly "synthetic" nature of its teaching and practices.
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