


The Ritual Experts of Contemporary Popular Religious Sects in Southeast Hebei: A Study Centered on Scriptures


徐天基(Xu Tianji);羅丹(Luo Dan)


民間教派 ; 功 ; 表功師傅 ; 民間經卷 ; popular religious sects ; merit ; merit-delivering masters ; folk scriptures




222期(2023 / 12 / 01)


187 - 229






Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, many popular religious sects have flourished in southeast Hebei, with sectarian culture constituting a core feature of the sociocultural life this area's rural society. The belief in the Eternal Venerable Mother 無生老母 as the creator and savior of the world provides a cosmological foundation to sectarian culture. Ultimately, it is believed, sectarian members would hold the wuzi zhenjing 無字真經 (wordless true scripture) in their arms, board the jinchuan 金船 (golden boat), and sail to the Jincheng 金城 (golden fortress). Merit and the perfection of achievements determined according to a moral economic system is the key to reaching Jincheng, with merit classified as neigong 內功 and waigong 外功: the former is equal to moral money, while the latter resembles moral currency that needs to be acquired through altruistic behavior. The conversion mechanism from gong 功to gongguo 功果 is similar to the conversion between currency and assets. There are a large number of folk scriptures in southeast Hebei, which are a mixture of works produced by various sects during the Ming and Qing dynasties. These texts have spread widely among groups of merit-delivering masters (biaogong shifu 表功師傅). As inheritors of these late imperial sectarian traditions, merit-delivering masters can be divided into civil (wen 文) and martial (wu 武) types, with both practicing the ritual of merit conversion. Merit-delivering masters also act as practitioners of gongguo: accumulating neigong via meditation, chanting, pilgrimage, and paogong 跑功; and acquiring waigong by doing good deeds, making offerings, and performing the songwang 送亡 ritual under the framework of the "gift-economy" system of the gong/gongguo transformation. This article, through a study of the scriptures, beliefs, and rituals of southeast Hebei's merit-delivering masters, enhances our knowledge of popular ritual experts in studies of local religion. It asks and answers a fundamental question: How does the inner logic and reasoning of local religious life thrive within the context of sectarian religion?

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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