


Investigating Accommodation Demand for Asian Tourists on International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan




陳勁甫(Ching-Fu Chen);王婷瑜(Ting-Yu Wang)


近似理想需求體系 ; 國際觀光旅館 ; 住宿需求 ; Almost deal Demand System (AIDS) ; international tourist hotel ; accommodation demand




12卷2期(2005 / 05 / 01)


189 - 203




根據需求理論,消費者依所得預算,將其分配至每一細項支出,以求效用最大。需求體系內之個別産品需求量同時受到所有産品之價格及總支出的影響,如消費者欲增加至某一地區的住宿消費,必會影響至其他地區之住宿需求。本研究運用近似理想需求體系(Almost Ideal Demand System, AIDS),以預算份額爲依變數,利用民國七十五年至八十九年間來華亞洲旅客資料建立國際觀光旅館住宿需求之實證模型,並計算分析來華亞洲旅客住宿需求之彈性值及經濟特性。研究結果發現,就市場份額彈性而言,當高雄地區、台中地區、風景地區其他地區之住宿價格上漲1%時,將分別使台北地區之市場份額提昇3.208%、1.285%、0.23%與1.197%;當花蓮地區國際觀光旅館之住宿價格上漲1%時,將使台北地區之之市場份額降低6.296%。就交叉彈性來看,台北地區台中地區之間具有相當大的替代程度;以支出彈性而言,隨著亞洲旅客在台住宿支出的增加,在高雄、花蓮及風景地區之住宿需求在較大的成長空間。


According to demand theory, consumers allocate their disposal income to each expenditure for maximizing their utility. The demand of every individual product in a demand system will be affected by the prices of all products and consumer's total expenditure simultaneously. The increase of accommodation expenditure for tourists in one place, for instance, will lead to a change on demand for another place. To investigate accommodation demand for Asian Tourists on international tourist hotels in Taiwan at six different regions including Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Hualien, Attractions and Others Areas, the Almost Ideal Demand System(AIDS) is applied in this study. Some economic characteristics such as market share elasticity, income elasticity, own-price elasticity and cross-price elasticity were computed and discussed. The main results of the study indicate that in terms of market share elasticity Taipei will increase 3.208%, 1.285%, 0.23% and 1.197% when the price of accommodation increases 1% at Kaohsiung, Taichung, Attraction and Others Areas respectively. However, 1% increase in accommodation price at Hualien will cause 6.296% decrease in accommodation demand at Taipei. In addition, the supplies of international tourist hotel at Taipei and Taichung areas are mutually substitutive. According to the results of income elasticity, the accommodation demand at Kaohsiung, Hualien and Attraction Areas will increase as the accommodation expenditure level of Asian tourists increase. Keywords: Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS), international tourist hotel, accommodation demand

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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