


Is Beauty a Fault?: Investigation into the Moderator of Race and the Difference between Male and Female Market




蔡佳靜(Chia-Ching Tsai);張志向(Chih-Hsiang Chang)


模特兒吸引力 ; 模特兒膚色 ; 男性目標市場 ; 廣告效果 ; physical attractiveness of models ; race of models ; male target market ; advertising effectiveness




12卷3期(2005 / 10 / 01)


129 - 146




過去的研究(Bower, 2001)發現:以女性爲目標市場的產品,在廣告中使用外表具高度吸引力(Highly Attractive Models,簡稱:HAM)的女性模特兒,對廣告效果有不良的影響。因此,本研究不禁要問“難道美麗也是一種錯誤?”然而,以男性為目標市場的產品是否有同樣的結果,以及不同膚色的男、女模特兒是否會影響模特兒吸引力的廣告效果,皆是本研究所欲探討之課題。 研究結果發現,在女性市場中,除了黑種人模特兒外,其他膚色的高度吸引力模特兒所產生之廣告效果皆較適度吸引力模特兒差。然而,在男性市場中,若使用與受測者膚色不同的白種人與黑種人模特兒,高度吸引力模特兒所產生的廣告效果皆比適度吸引力模特兒好,若使用與受測者膚色相似的黃種人模特兒,高度吸引力模特兒所產生的廣告效果卻比適度吸引力的模特兒差。顯見有時候,美麗也是一種錯誤。


Bower (2001) indicated that using highly attractive models for the products targeting the female would damage the advertising effectivess. In this study, we investigate if it will have the same result for the products targeting the male. In the mean time, we take the race of models into consideration. In the present study, we found that for the female target market, highly attractive models cause better advertising effect than moderate ones except using black race of models. However, for the male target market, highly attractive models cause better advertising effect than moderate ones when using white and black races of models (different race from the subjects) highly attractive models cause worse advertising effect than moderate ones when using yellow race of models (the same race with the subjects).

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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