


The Impact of the Dividend Imputation Tax System on Dividend Policy-View of Tax Pressure of Shareholders




洪榮華(Jung-Hua Hung);曾子耘(Tzu-Yun Tseng);林聖傑(Sheng-Chieh Lin)


兩稅合一 ; 股利政策 ; dividend imputation tax system ; dividend policy




13卷1期(2006 / 01 / 01)


133 - 162






The main goal of this paper is to investigate firms in which shareholders suffer different tax pressures to ace if they will react differently to the implementation of the dividend imputation tax system. The study period spans an eight- year period: 4 years before and 4 years after the dividend imputation tax system. A total of 150 listed firms are selected for our sample. We use pooled time-series & cross-sectional regression techniques to analyze our dividend model because our data set is panel. After conducting the Hausman tests, we employ the random-effects models. First, we analyze total sample and find that the cash dividend payout ratios significantly increase after the dividend imputation tax system. On the contrary, the stock dividend payout ratios significantly decrease after the dividend imputation tax system. Secondly, excluding 13 firms which do not pay any dividends during our study period, we separate the remaining 137 firms into three groups based on their average cash dividend payout ratios before the dividend imputation tax system, which is as a proxy for their shareholders' tax pressure. The results show that firms in which shareholders suffer more tax pressure significantly adjust their dividend policy with the implementation of the dividend imputation tax system. This implies that firms take their shareholders' tax pressures into consideration when setting their dividend policy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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