


Difference between Career Development Programs and Career Development Needs of Managers and Its Relationships with Career Frustrations




余朝權(Chao-Chuan Yu);孫曉玲(Hsiao-Ling Sun)


生涯發展 ; 生涯挫折 ; 生涯發展需求 ; 主管挫折 ; career development ; career frustration ; career development need ; management career




13卷1期(2006 / 01 / 01)


31 - 55




一個有效的生涯發展方案,必須同時滿足個人的需求及配合組織的人力資源管理,如此才能確保公司的最大成長。本研究即在探討臺灣企業界對於主管的生涯發展方案實施的現況與主管本身生涯發展需求配合的情形,並以生涯挫折作為前二者間是否配合良好的指標。 本研究是以臺灣大型企業286位主管作為樣本,研究結果顯示,在現行十八項主管生涯發展方案中,以管理才能訓練、人力資源規劃系統、晉升管道三者最受重視,而全體生涯發展方案及需求可分為「訓練計劃」、「接班制度」、「退離輔導」、「生涯輔導與諮商」四個因素,前二因素較受重視,而主管的需求也較高。 主管的生涯挫折共十項,以報酬與付出相當、自由安排工作、成為本行專家三者挫折程度較高,十項生涯挫折以因素分析可得出專業自主及權力地位二項因素,以前者較有挫折。 最後,權力地位生涯挫折與主管生涯發展需求中的退離輔導差距有顯著相關,而主管的專業自主挫折,則與接班制度、退離輔導、生涯輔導與諮商三種生涯發展需求差距有顯著相關。


An effective management career development program must satisfy two requirements. The first one is to meet the individual needs. And match human resource management in the organization is the second, so as to make sure that the company gets the greatest growth without the risk of losing well-developed managers. This study focuses on the correspondence between firms' career development programs for managers and career development needs of managers in Taiwan. In the study, career frustration is used as an indication which decides whether the both constructs correspond with each other well. This research uses 286 managers in Taiwan industries as sample. And the results support that management ability training, human resource planning system and promotion paths are emphasized mostly among the 18 items of current management career development programs. In addition, both the whole career development program and needs can be divided into four factors, i.e. training program, succession system, leaving guidance, along with career consultation. Among those, the former two factors are emphasized more than the others, and managers' needs for them are higher too. Among ten items of career frustration, three with higher degrees are balanced reward and payment, free working arrangement, and being a professional expert. By factor analysis we can separate them into two factors. One is professional independence; the other is power/status. Managers get more frustration from the former. Discrepancy in leaving guidance is highly related to power/status, while discrepancies in career consultation, succession system and leaving guidance are highly related to frustration in power/status.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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