


The Impact of Perceived Playfulness on the Acceptance of Mobile Digital TV




胡婉玲(Anne Wan-Ling Hu)


行動數位電視 ; 知覺玩興 ; 享樂性 ; 好奇性 ; 專注性 ; mobile digital TV ; perceived playfulness ; enjoyment ; curiosity ; concentration




14卷2期(2007 / 05 / 01)


113 - 132






Watching television remains a popular leisure activity. The digitalization of broadcasting in the 21st Century has given rise to the development of mobile television. The issue of watching television while on the move has become both a practical and academic subject. The aim of this study is to research how a driver's perceived enjoyment, curiosity and concentration impact the cognition- affect- behavior steps in the hierarchical effects in his decision to watch television. This study uses regional quota sampling techniques to evaluate the results from questionnaires completed by the drivers of vehicles installed with mobile digital TV sets in the front. SEM analysis reveals that enjoyment has the strongest influence on a driver's state of playfulness, followed by curiosity, with concentration showing least impact, proving that drivers do not watch MDTV consistently while on the move. The affects the three variables have on the hierarchy of effects, from affection to intention to use, show a progressively declining impact, indicating that despite drivers’ high evaluation of the new MDTV technology, a number of variables interfere with the actual use, decreasing the likelihood of them watching. These results explain that drivers do not watch television in a concentrated manner. This conforms with Maslow's Need Hierarchical Theory: people give priority to the basic needs of maintaining safety, therefore will only watch television when they are aware of no risks to their safety.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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