


The Influences of Product Knowledge and Product Information on Business




樊祖燁(Tsu-Yeh Fan)


產品知識 ; 資訊複雜度 ; 組織採購角色 ; product knowledge ; information complexity ; roles of business purchase




14卷2期(2007 / 05 / 01)


133 - 153




本文探討提供不同複雜度之產品資訊給組織採購流程中,產品知識程度不同的購買成員時,對其品牌態度及品牌選擇的影響。本研究以工作群組級雷射印表機為例,將產品資訊劃分為複雜產品資訊與簡單產品資訊兩種,並針對71家公司中的332位六種不同角色之採購中心成員,依其對產品了解程度之不同,區分為專家型與非專家型採購者,探討其採購產品時考量的因素與具備產品知識上的差異,以及在接收產品資訊後,兩種採購者所增加的產品知識是否有顯著差別,最後則是探討兩種不同複雜程度之產品資訊,對採購者在產品知識、品牌態度以及選擇上的影響。 本研究透過兩階段的問卷施測,得知受測者產品知識、品牌態度以及選購意願之初始狀況與改變情形。結果顯示,複雜的產品資訊比簡單的產品資訊更能造成採購者的產品知識增加。研究並發現,給予非專家型採購者較簡單的產品資訊,較能改變其品牌態度以及選擇之意圖,但是給予專家型採購者不同複雜度的產品資訊則並無不同的效果。


The purpose of this research is to investigate the influences of providing simple or complex information to members of a buying center with different levels of product knowledge. The effects on their knowledge increments, brand attitudes, and purchase decision are examined. The research employed a field experiment to manipulate the informational level and keep its external validity. There were 332 respondents from 71 companies in total. The study illustrated that respondents obtain more product knowledge from the complex product information. It was also found that novices changed their brand preferences and purchase intention more when simple information was provided. On the other hand, simple and complex information had similar effects on experts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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