


The Effect of Price Bundling on Consumer Perception and Purchase Intention




李元恕(Yuan-Shuh Lii)


定價組合 ; 關聯特性 ; 互動特性 ; 產品組合 ; price bundling ; associative characteristics ; interactive characteristics ; product ; bundling




14卷2期(2007 / 05 / 01)


93 - 111






The purpose of research is to examine the effect of price bundling on consumers' perceptions and purchase intentions. Based on the associative power and interactivity, price bundling was categorized into transactional and relational price bundling (i.e., associative power) as well as predefined and customized price bundling (i.e., interactivity). A 2×2 between-subjects factorial design experiment was conducted to test the proposed hypotheses. The test results indicated that price bundling had a significant effect on consumers’ perceptions of benefit, risk, and value. Particularly, transactional price bundling significantly increased consumers' perceived benefit, decreased perceived risk, and increased perceived value. However, no significant effect was found for pricing bundling based on interactive characteristics. Within the context of price bundling, perceived benefit had a positive effect on perceived value. Perceived risk had a negative effect on perceived value. Finally, perceived value had a positive effect on purchase intention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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